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Janis Tomlinson will present "Goya's Monsters" in the next installment of this series on Nov. 8
Janis Tomlinson will present "Goya's Monsters" in the next installment of this series on Nov. 8.

Dive into campus research with Scholar in the Library series

UD Library, Museums and Press highlights on-campus achievements and research in monthly series

Campus is brimming with new information, new ideas and new research. Dive deeper into a new topic each month during the “Scholar in the Library” series, hosted by the University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press.

Featured UD scholars will highlight their research and how Library resources proved integral to their research process. Each topic is designed to appeal to a wide audience — even if the subject matter is not one you are familiar with.

Free and open to the public, this brown-bag luncheon program is held the second Wednesday of each month. The series is held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Class of 1941 Lecture Room in Morris Library, unless otherwise specified.

Here is the lineup for the remainder of the 2017-18 academic school year:

  • Nov. 8: Janis Tomlinson, director of Special Collections and Museums and faculty member in the department of art history, will present “Goya’s Monsters.” From the Enlightenment to revolution, war to Restoration, the Spanish artist Francisco Goya was a contemporary of Thomas Jefferson who lived through unprecedented changes in politics and society. Discover how these social and political transformations engendered the monsters to which Goya gave form in three series of etchings: the Caprichos, the Disasters of War and the Disparates.
  • Dec. 13: Julie McGee, associate professor of Africana Studies in the department of Black American Studies, and the students in her class, “Curating Hidden Collections and the Black Archive,” will give their final presentations on semester-long efforts to create and catalog a digital collection of sitting portraits of African American women in the 18th century from the Baltimore area.
  • Feb. 14: Wunyabari Maloba, professor and chair of Africana Studies in the department of History, will present material related to his recent book, Kenyatta and Britain: An Account of Political Transformation, 1929-1963 (African Histories and Modernities).
  • March 14: Matthew Oliver, associate professor and Patricia & Charles Robertson professor of marine science and policy in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, will discuss bioluminescence and data for defense. Note: This event will take place in the Marine Studies Library on the University’s Lewes campus.
  • April 11: Julie Maresca, associate professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering, will present “The Road Ahead: How Bacteria in Concrete Could Save Transportation.”
  • May 9: Bob Hampel, professor in the School of Education, will present the UD Library Associates Faculty Lecture, “Fast and Curious: A History of Shortcuts in American Education.” Note: This event will take place at 4:30 p.m. in the Reading Room in Morris Library.

For additional information, including location and time, please check the Scholar in the Library web page (https://library.udel.edu/scholarinthelibrary/).


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