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Delaware First Festival
The festival will be Thursday, Nov. 9, from noon to 3 p.m., on The Green.

Delaware First Festival

Infographic by Christian Derr

Campaign kickoff on The Green will celebrate giving, innovation and the future of UD

The entire Blue Hen community is invited to help kick off Delaware First: The Campaign for the University of Delaware at the Delaware First Festival on Thursday, Nov. 9, at noon on The Green.

Delaware First is the largest engagement and fundraising campaign in the University’s history and the celebration marking its launch will be just as monumental. Students, faculty and staff will be treated to a sneak peek at the upcoming campaign, as well as food, music by DJ Amaze, a new UDairy ice cream flavor, giveaways, guest speakers and more. During the event, attendees can add their photo to a mosaic wall, marking their presence during this historical time. Festivities will continue in front of Memorial Hall until 3 p.m.

“Our UD community is a strong one, full of passionate students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends,” said UD President Dennis Assanis. “The Delaware First campaign provides endless opportunities to inspire our community to advance all that is possible for our University and our society. As your president, I am thrilled to launch our new campaign to help chart the course of the University’s future. My wife, Eleni, and I are looking forward to joining you on The Green to mark this historic moment for UD.”

Delaware First will strengthen the Blue Hen nation and raise funds to support student scholarships, endowed professorships, graduate fellowships, research, facilities and experiential learning opportunities at UD.  

“This is a really exciting time for our University,” added Jim Dicker, vice president for development and alumni relations. “The Delaware First campaign will be instrumental in elevating the student experience here at UD, as well as enhancing the impact we have on the world. Our campus and our community have a bright tomorrow, and that tomorrow begins today.”

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