YoUDee Award winners
May 23, 2017
University Student Centers honor outstanding efforts on campus
The University of Delaware Student Centers (USC) hosted the 15th annual YoUDee Leadership Awards ceremony on Thursday, May 11, in the Trabant University Center’s Multipurpose Room in recognition of outstanding efforts on campus.
Awards presented at this year’s ceremony celebrated exemplary UD student leaders, groups and events, as well as a variety of achievements through the Bernie Coslar Award for Service and the Grossman Memorial Award for dedication to campuswide co-curricular programming. This year the first-ever Matthew Rosin Rising Star Award was presented.
The 2017 YoUDee Award recipients are
Bernie Coslar Award: Steven Kirby, Facilities-Custodial and University Services
Grossman Award: Zackary Langrehr, Harrington Theatre Arts Company, and Maria Daniela Barriga, Student Centers Programming Advisory Board
Lifetime Achievement Award: Joyce Henderson, Career Services Center
Blue Hen Leadership Program Senior Leader Awards: Julie Millisky and Matthew Kantner
Blue Hen Leadership Program Model the Way Awards: Jennifer Philbin and Jason Andrechak
Outstanding RSO Treasurer: Kemba Hall, National Society of Black Engineers, and A.J. Green, Outing Club
Outstanding Greek Adviser: Luisa Torrielli, Kappa Alpha Theta
Outstanding RSO Adviser: Allan Carlsen, Harrington Theatre Arts Company
Outstanding New RSO: speQtrum
Outstanding Overall RSO Media Presence: Harrington Theatre Arts Company
Outstanding RSO Use of Video: Isodynamic Hip Hop Dance Club
Outstanding RSO Use of Website: The Review
Outstanding Greek Use of Social Media and Website: Alpha Kappa Alpha
Outstanding Group Photo: Delaware Repertory Dance Company
Outstanding Portrait: E-52 Student Theatre
Outstanding Marketing Photo: Outing Club
Outstanding Clean Photo: Panhellenic Council at University of Delaware
Outstanding Event Photo: Student Centers Programming Advisory Board
Outstanding Greek Photo: Alpha Kappa Alpha
Outstanding Hand Drawn Student Design: Harrington Theatre Arts Company
Outstanding Media Student Design: StUDent Government Association
Outstanding Greek Student Design/Flyer: Lambda Theta Alpha
Outstanding USC Event Services Associate: Kaitlin Riall
Outstanding USC Event Services Technician: Rebecca Gerard
Outstanding USC Event Services Building Manager: Evelyn Cubero
Outstanding USC Event Services Customer Service: Tiange Zhang
Greek Overall Achievement | IFC: Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI)
Greek Overall Achievement | MGC: Chi Upsilon Sigma
Greek Overall Achievement | Panhel: Kappa Alpha Theta
Greek Overall Achievement | SIGC: Alpha Kappa Psi
Outstanding Greek Delawarean Leader: Olivia Blythe, Alpha Delta Pi
Outstanding Greek Overall Leader: Ryan Broussard, Alpha Phi Alpha
Outstanding Greek GPA Leader: Erin Kelly, Kappa Alpha Theta
Outstanding Greek Community Leader: Lydia Zakutney, Panhellenic Council at University of Delaware
Outstanding RSO Educational Program: Sisters On The Move for Women's Panel
Outstanding RSO Overall Program: Assistive Medical Technologies for AMT Spring Car Workshop 2016
Outstanding RSO Community Engagement Program: Blue Hen Veterans for Veterans Day Flag Ceremony
Outstanding RSO Lecture Program: BuildOn Chapter at University of Delaware for Development and Human Rights Night
Outstanding RSO Annual Program: Cultural Programming Advisory Board for Ice Breaker Weekend
Outstanding RSO Performing Arts Program: Gospel Choir for Gospelrama
Outstanding RSO Collaborative Program: HAVEN for Rob Smith
Outstanding RSO Cultural Program: Hillel Student Life for I Fest
Outstanding RSO Series Program: HOLA for HOLA Week 2017
Outstanding RSO Political Program: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for The CR v YAL v NAACP Debate
Outstanding RSO Film Program: Student Centers Programming Advisory Board for Rocky Horror Picture Show
Outstanding RSO Large Scale Program: UDress Magazine for UDress Magazine 11th Annual Fall Fashion Event
Outstanding RSO Social Justice Program: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for The Unity Fair: Celebrating an inclusive community at UD
UDance Philanthropy Award: Panhellenic Council at University of Delaware for Panhellenic Pride Week
Matthew Rosin Rising Star Award: Nicole Mejia, HOLA
Outstanding Greek Educational Program: Lambda Theta Alpha for What Would You Do?
Outstanding Greek Philanthropy Program: Alpha Kappa Psi for Alpha Kappa Psi and Sigma Nu Spelling Bee
Outstanding Greek Collaborative Program: Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha for Phinancially Phit
Outstanding RSO Achievement - Commitment to their Mission: BuildOn Chapter at University of Delaware
Outstanding RSO Achievement - Campus Impact: Making Doctors
Outstanding RSO GPA Leader: Nicolette Kothe, Alpha Phi Omega Co-Ed Service Fraternity
Outstanding RSO Overall Leader: Jay Alston, HAVEN
Outstanding RSO GPA Leader: Kylie Taylor, Men’s Action Network
Outstanding RSO Delawarean Leader: Garry Johnson, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Outstanding RSO Delawarean Leader: Alex Schwartz, Resident Student Association
Outstanding RSO Overall Leader: Jacqara Jackson, We’re First
More photos from the event can be found on the Student Events Facebook page.
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