Library offers GIS workshops
Photo courtesy of UD Library February 08, 2017
‘Arc GIS Online’ workshop will introduce geographic information systems
The University of Delaware Library will present three workshops during the spring semester featuring geographic information systems (GIS) tools such as PolicyMap, ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS for Desktop.
The workshop “Researching and Exploring Data with PolicyMap” lets a researcher choose from among over 37,000 indicators from more than 150 authoritative public and proprietary sources and apply them across a wide range of geographies.
Participants will learn to make maps easily, upload data points to geocode U.S. addresses, and download data from PolicyMap for use in research, mapping and presentation tools.
The “Arc GIS Online” workshop will introduce geographic information systems and teach how to make a map online and add data to it. Cloud-based ArcGIS Online makes it easy to add one's data to a map and share it widely.
ArcGIS for Desktop is a powerful mapping and analysis tool available in several labs on campus. Users will learn to map an area and add data to it. ArcGIS for Desktop offers many options for exporting images suitable for use as posters or in publications.
The workshops are as follows:
• “Researching and Exporting Data with PolicyMap” will be offered from 9:05-11 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 22, in Room A of the Student Multimedia Design Center on the lower level of the Morris Library. Presenter will be John Stevenson, associate librarian, Multimedia Collections and Services Department.
• “Getting Started with ArcGIS Online” will be offered from 9:05-11 a.m., Wednesday, March 1, also in Room A of the Student Multimedia Design Center. Presenters will be Stevenson and Olena Smith, GIS application consultant, IT Client Support and Services. This workshop is co-sponsored by IT Client Support and Services
• “Starting Research with ArcGIS Desktop” will be offered from 9:05-11 a.m., Wednesday, March 8, in Room 010 of Smith Hall. Presenters will be Stevenson and Smith. This workshop is co-sponsored by IT Client Support and Services
These workshops are available at no charge and are open to University of Delaware students, faculty and staff. Seating is limited and registration is required. For a complete listing of workshops and to register online, go to this website.
Participants are welcome to use the resources of the University of Delaware Library on-site. All visitors to the Morris Library need to have photo identification to enter the building, e.g., a UD ONEcard, a U.S. driver’s license or a government-issued or school-issued photo ID.
Call 302-831-2432 or email lib-workshops@udel.edu with questions regarding the workshops.
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