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Intramural, club sports

Recreation offers employment opportunities, participation information

University of Delaware Recreation offers a variety of activities throughout year to help students and staff live a healthy and active lifestyle.

Members of the campus community can view the website for information on building hours, fitness programs, intramural and club sports, and more. Follow Recreation on @UDLilBob on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates on changes to hours, programs, and events.

Club Sports Night

Students that missed Club Sports Night on Aug. 30 but are still interested in joining one of the 37 teams should contact the team president. Contact information for each team’s officers is listed here.

Club sports teams are student-run organizations that provide an opportunity to engage in structured competition at a level other than the intramural or varsity level. Teams can compete at local, regional, and national competitions.

Joining a club team allows participants to continue their athletic careers while meeting and having fun with other like-minded individuals. View all club sports

Intramural sports

Students and staff are invited to participate in a variety of traditional and unique sport leagues and tournaments.

Leagues include real life Battleship, soccer, Madden PS4, basketball, and more. FIFA PS4 and Real Life Mario Cart are two new additions this year.

Each sport has three different levels of competitiveness so participants of all skill levels and experience are welcome to play. Most participants form teams with friends, but there is also a free agent registration option for those that do not have enough players to form a team.

Winning teams get the coveted intramural champion T-shirts and a chance to be featured on the Wall of Champions in the Carpenter Sports Building (Little Bob). View all intramural sports.

Hiring: Flag football officials

Students looking for a part-time job on campus are invited to apply for the team of flag football officials.

There are mandatory training sessions Sept. 6-8 from 8-10 p.m.

Anyone interested in becoming an official should apply online and plan on attending these sessions.

Job opportunities and trainings for other sport officials will be posted throughout the year.

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