September HPC Symposium
September 20, 2016
Chandrasekaran to present at Sept. 28 High Performance Computing Symposium
University of Delaware researchers are invited to the September High Performance Computing Symposium session, scheduled Wednesday, Sept. 28.
The session will kick off with a presentation by Sunita Chandrasekaran, assistant professor of computer and information sciences, and her research group about how they are using parallel programming models such as OpenMP and OpenACC to migrate legacy scientific code to HPC platforms.
They will present on how the computing challenges differ from application to application and what are the tools and techniques used to gather profiling and performance data of applications. They will also discuss some of the recent results gathered on using NVIDIA K80 GPU using an emerging programming model, OpenACC.
Chandrasekaran was responsible for co-organizing the May 2016 GPU Programming Hackathon.
The presentation will begin at 10 a.m. in Faculty Commons (Room 116 Pearson Hall) and will be followed by an hour-long open forum for researchers to ask the IT-Research Computing staff questions and find answers, brainstorm and share ideas with other researchers. The IT-Research Computing staff will also be asking participants for input on the development of the next computing cluster.
Registration is available at the IT Research Computing website. Refreshments will be provided.
This presentation is a continuation of a series of meetings designed for researchers using or interested in using the University’s HPC clusters.
Upcoming presentations for 2017
• Jan. 25 -Sara Rauscher, associate professor of geography.
• Feb. 22 – TBD.
Those interested in presenting a future HPC Symposium should contact it-hpc-interest@udel.edu.
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