Oct. 26: Copyright and research
October 19, 2016
Copyright expert Hirtle to present Open Access Week keynote address
Noted archivist and copyright expert Peter Hirtle will discuss the impact of copyright on the research scholars conduct in his talk “Copyright and Your Research: Managing your Copyrights,” at 4 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 26, in the first floor Reading Room in Morris Library at the University of Delaware.
All attendees are invited to a reception following the program.
Hirtle is an affiliate fellow of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. Until his retirement from Cornell University in 2015, he served as senior policy adviser to the Cornell University Library with a special mandate to address intellectual property issues.
Previously at Cornell, Hirtle servedas director of the Cornell Institute for Digital Collections and as the associate editor of D-Lib Magazine. He is an archivist by training with a master of arts degree in history from Johns Hopkins University and a master’s degree in library science with a concentration in archival science from the University of Maryland.
Hirtle is a fellow and past president of the Society of American Archivists and is a member of its Working Group on Intellectual Property. He was a member of the Commission on Preservation and Access/Research Library Group's Task Force on Digital Archiving and the Copyright Office’s Section 108 Study Group, and is a contributing author to the LibraryLaw.com blog.
His research, publications and teaching focus on the copyright status of unpublished works, library use of copyrighted works, archival theory and practice, and digital preservation. He is best known for his expertise in the legal and contractual issues related to the digitization of special collections and archives.
This event is open to the public. Acceptances are encouraged at rsvp-library@winsor.lib.udel.edu and walk-in attendees are welcome. All are welcome and graduate students are especially encouraged to attend.
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