OEI launches 'kNOw MORE'
October 24, 2016
New campus campaign addresses sexual misconduct
The University of Delaware’s Office of Equity and Inclusion is launching this week a new campus-wide campaign designed to raise awareness of and prevent sexual misconduct. Called “kNOw MORE,” the campaign aims to create a movement at UD that all students, faculty and staff can participate in to support a campus culture of intolerance for sexual assault and harassment.
“The University takes sexual misconduct seriously, which is why the kNOw MORE campaign is so important,” said Sue Groff, Title IX coordinator and director of UD’s Office of Equity and Inclusion. “I am proud of the students who helped develop this initiative. We all need to work together to make sure our campus is a safe place for everyone to learn and work.”
The goals of the campaign are to encourage people to understand and become informed about assault and harassment, report incidents of sexual misconduct, ensure consent for all sexual activity, be active bystanders, and support victims.
kNOw MORE kicks off this week with various activities, starting with student-hosted information booths in Trabant University Center on Monday and Wednesday from noon to 2 p.m. The week will culminate with the event “More Than a Few Good Men” on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Trabant, featuring Jackson Katz, internationally known author and pioneer on scholarship and activism concerning issues of gender and violence.
The website serves as primary home to information on all related events, resources, and links to partner sites. A key call to action is the kNOw MORE pledge, accessible from the site, encouraging everyone to take a pledge and to show their commitment to knowing more about sexual misconduct and amplifying prevention initiatives.
Essential to the campaign is its student-centered approach. An advisory committee of 15 students put forward various ideas for the brand, and approximately 200 students then voted to choose their favorite. The students were instrumental in designing the kNOw MORE logo and messaging. The campaign will continue to rely on student input on and participation in activities throughout the academic year.
Sage Carson, a senior anthropology and women's studies double major and campaign ambassador, said, "Our society has become complacent to sexual misconduct, so people may not recognize when they have been a victim of violence. Many students have said they do not know what sexual misconduct is. This campaign can help members of our community identify violence when it occurs so they can utilize the resources available."
Approximately 45 additional students have volunteered to serve as “kNOw MORE ambassadors” to help spread awareness and positive messages about consent and intervention — including representatives from a diverse group of registered student organizations.
Bryan Taylor, a senior biochemistry major and volunteer ambassador, said, "Over my last four years here at the University of Delaware, I have been a part of a number of different organizations and have met hundreds of new people, first-year students, upperclassmen, and faculty whom I’ve grown to respect. I never would want these individuals or anyone else to fall victim to or become an enactor of sexual misconduct. I encourage people to join me in becoming an ambassador and advocate to raise awareness of this rising problem."
In addition to students, the plans rely on input and participation from various University departments and groups including the Office of Communications and Marketing, Student Life, Student Wellness and Health Promotion, Athletics, the Sexual Offense Support group and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Committee.
For more information on the campaign and to access University resources related to sexual misconduct, visit www.udel.edu/knowmore.
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