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Photo by Kathy F. Atkinson

Nationally recognized COSS safety training offered in Newark

The nationally known Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS) program will be offered in Newark again this summer, through a University of Delaware partnership with the Delaware Valley Safety Council. The intensive five-day course takes place July 25-29.

Taught by an authorized OSHA Outreach and COSS certified trainer, the program is designed to equip safety professionals with the core competencies of occupational safety and health. Participants learn how to recognize hazards, understand and interpret OSHA requirements and effectively manage a workplace safety and health program.

“The main goal of this program is to provide workplace safety practitioners with the training they need in order to manage safety at their jobsites or workplaces,” explains Brian McClafferty, executive director of Delaware Valley Safety Council (DVSC). “Those critical responsibilities include jobsite analysis and identification of workplace hazards, and the ability to put a safety plan in place that addresses those hazards and risks.”

The Delaware Valley Safety Council provides a wide range of safety training programs in the region, recently partnering with UD’s Division of Professional and Continuing Studies to offer COSS training in Delaware.

The COSS course consists of 40 hours of hands-on instruction, and addresses the psychology of safety, the true cost of an accident, hazard recognition and how to start a workplace health and safety program. The course is designed as an entry level course, as well as a refresher for the experienced safety professional, and is applicable to a wide range of industries.

Participants who successfully complete the program earn the nationally-recognized Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS) designation, which is endorsed by the American Association of Safety Councils and the American Council for Construction Education.

The upcoming COSS program offered July 25-29 consists of five full-day sessions at UD’s Professional and Continuing Studies Resource Center, 850 Library Avenue, Newark. The program will be offered again in September. For more information or to register, visit this website or call 302-831-8837.

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