Blue Hens cover DNC
Photo by Andrew Wichmann July 26, 2016
Four UD journalists filing reports from Philadelphia convention
A delegation of four journalists from the University of Delaware — two current students, a new graduate and a faculty member — are covering the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia this week.
Seniors Alexandra Hough and Andrew Wichman, 2016 graduate Sara Jo Lee and Dawn Fallik, assistant professor of English, applied for and received press credentials after undergoing Secret Service background checks. They are filing reports on Twitter at #UDatDNC and on this Storify site.
Lee, who majored in English, is handling print reports, and Hough, a communication major, is in charge of the group’s social media; both were students in Fallik’s beginning and advanced journalism classes. Wichman, a broadcast media student, is majoring in political science.
The group’s reports so far have included a tour of the convention’s media tent, coverage of protests and rallies outside the convention, an interview with Delaware Gov. Jack Markell, breakfast with the Delaware delegation and remarks by U.S. Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware on gun control.
Fallik, who described the convention as “chaotic, with 20-30 things going on at once” in many different locations, said she’s seen numerous UD journalism alumni working at the event.
“Two of my former students now work in Sen. Carper [U.S. Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware] and Gov. Markell's offices,” she said. “Others are covering the event for the Delaware State News and WVUD [radio] and Time for Kids. We also have alumni from the Washington Post who are here as political reporters.”
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