Keep Calm and Teach On
August 03, 2016
Faculty Commons' semester-readiness event begins Aug. 16
In less than two weeks, the Faculty Commons second annual semester-readiness event, “Keep Calm and Teach On,” will get underway for all those who teach at the University of Delaware, including faculty, adjunct faculty and graduate teaching assistants.
The event gives teachers an opportunity to address pre-semester questions and develop course content with content experts in one location.
“Keep Calm and Teach On” offers over 40 sessions from Tuesdays through Thursdays, Aug. 16-18, and Aug. 23-25. The topics range from help with Canvas and Sakai to syllabus clinics. This year Faculty Commons is introducing “Topics on Demand,” offered on Tuesday, Aug. 23, and Wednesday, Aug. 24, which is designed for anyone who cannot attend sessions during standard hours.
One session not to miss is “Bringing Info Lit into your Classroom: a selection of artifacts coming out of conversations with librarians,” at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 17. Similar to the Information Literacy workshop held during the Summer Faculty Institute, this session will showcase helpful resources and connect participants to specialized librarians. Class-specific research guides, videos, handouts and rubrics related to your class needs will be showcased with ample opportunity for discussion.
Need help creating an inclusive classroom environment? Register to save a seat for “Building a foundation for inclusive classrooms,” on Tuesday, Aug. 16, or Tuesday, Aug. 23, both at 11 a.m. Through practical guidance, participants will learn how to teach and embrace all students in their learning.
Did you know that UD is on the forefront of data security? Success depends on your participation. Find out about the effort and sign up during “2FA: Setup/Questions Drop-in,” offered on Thursdays, Aug. 18 and 25, both at 3 p.m. This session will help you protect your information by setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) on your UDelNet accounts.
Staff from the Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning (CTAL) will be on site and available for private consultations on Aug. 16, 17, 18, 23 and 25. Consult with them on syllabi review, course design, assessment development, and other teaching and learning topics.
Faculty Commons provides teaching support year-round, but this two-week event gives instructors focuses on just-in-time topics all educators need. Whether it’s answering teaching questions, exploring new educational technologies or learning about instructional grant opportunities, there’s something for everyone who teaches at KCTO. Instructors will connect with like-minded peers during collaborative workshops. Opportunities to discuss long-term projects that enhance not only their own teaching skills but also develop effective strategies to improve students’ learning will be available throughout the event.
All "Keep Calm and Teach On" sessions will be hosted in Faculty Commons, 116 Pearson Hall. Registration for all sessions is now open on the "Keep Calm and Teach On" website.
If you have questions about the event, contact Faculty Commons at 302-831-0640 or at faculty-commons@udel.edu. Faculty Commons is open for appointments and walk-ins all summer, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
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