Transition of Care

Transition of Care
Whether you are a new college student, transferring from another institution or returning to UD after a leave of absence, we are here to support you as you navigate a transition of healthcare to local providers and communities. Our goal is for all of our students to have ownership of any condition/s and treatment(s) so that they can advocate for themselves and succeed at UD and beyond.
Your primary care provider should be your main consultant when transitioning your care to the area. If you are unsure where to start or are feeling overwhelmed by the variety of resources, please contact Student Advocacy & Support for assistance.
- Know the name of your condition(s).
- Be able to describe the symptoms that you experience (e.g., anxiety, difficulty concentrating, poor sleep, digestive issues or sensitivities).
- Be able to describe how these problems affect your life.
- Be able to describe the treatment you’re receiving (e.g., individual therapy, group therapy or medication).
- Be able to describe your reactions and responses to your treatment (e.g., what’s been helpful and what has not).
- Have the names and contact information of your treatment providers.
- Have a conversation with your care provider about going to college and strategies for care in a new environment.
- Know the name of your medication(s).
- Know the dosage of your medication(s).
- Know when you take your medication(s) during each day.
- Know how to take your medication(s) and how to tell others to administer the medication(s) in an emergency situation.
- Ask your care provider if you need to change where you receive your medication, and whether it will be shipped to your local address or available for pickup at a local pharmacy.
- Know whether your medication(s) has significant potential for abuse. If so, create a plan for its safe storage while you are at UD. Medications must not be shared or provided to any other individuals.
- Be able to describe how your medication(s) make you feel.
- Be able to describe any side effects or problems you have had with current or past medication(s), including any interactions with your medication(s) and other substances.
- Have your medication and dosage history available.
- Know how to safely dispose of any unused medications.
- Managing medications and recovery can be challenging if you are in recovery from alcohol or drug use. Be sure to let your doctor know your recovery status.
- Know how to describe your prior care, current needs and medications.
- Decide whether to purchase the UD health insurance plan for students. Do not decline this insurance without first making sure that your own insurance has adequate providers close to campus, and has no deductible or copay that would be a barrier to you. The UD health insurance plan for students has a $20 copay and no deductible for outpatient (off-campus) mental health services.
- Speak with your support team about how to best continue your care while you attend UD. Make sure there is agreement all around about specific parameters of care (e.g., how often you will see a provider, who you will see, how changes in treatment will be handled and more).
- If you choose to continue with an out-of-state insurance provider, find out if they cover local physical and mental health services while you are a student in Newark, Delaware. If you are covered by your parents’ insurance, you can advocate for Delaware resources to be added for your plan during the time you will be at UD. The majority of campus health services are available at no added cost due to the UD Wellbeing Fee, which all full-time students pay and part-time students can elect to pay.
- If you have been involved in long-term or intensive mental health treatment, contact the Center for Counseling and Student Development to consult about your care during your stay at UD and ask any questions you may have. It is important that your current care provider is aware that our counseling center provides short-term treatment as they consider recommendations for you.
- If you have been involved in long-term physical health or medical treatment, contact SHS to consult about your care during your stay at UD and ask any questions you may have.
- If you choose to transition your care to a local provider, request that your records be sent to the office(s) and provider(s) with whom you will be working (e.g., physician, psychiatrist, clinician or disability office).
- File any necessary releases of information with your provider(s) and office(s). Be specific as to when, under what circumstances and how information will be shared in the event of a problem or emergency, including when parents, family members or guardians will be contacted.
- Make sure everyone in your support network knows what to do in case of an emergency.
- In addition to a general communication plan, there should be a clearly stated plan for managing any crises that may emerge—who will make clinical decisions, who is the primary family contact, when should they be contacted, etc. These are referred to as advance directives.
- Health conditions can be disabling at times. Register with Disability Support Services even if you don’t think you will need assistance or accommodations for your diagnosis. It will be easier to get assistance if you are already registered and a need arises.
- Save the information for crisis support to your phone.
- Check in with your parents, family members, guardians, your care providers and anyone else who is part of your treatment or care network. Discuss whether the plan that you made is working well for you and be open to discussing any adjustments that you think may be needed.
- Revisit this information annually and use it as a tool to pinpoint what, if anything, needs to change in support of your wellbeing.
- Recognize that attending and graduating college is a significant life transition that can affect many aspects of your wellbeing. Your path and pace will be different from others, and may even change as you progress toward graduation.
- Reach out to anyone mentioned on this page if you need support or have feedback to share.
Off-Campus Providers
Consult our Off-Campus Providers Google Map to find local options for:
- 24-Hour Medical Care
- Hospitals and Urgent Care
- Pharmacies
Students in need of a specialist for physical health concerns can coordinate this through Student Health Services.
Get one-on-one referral coordination through the Center for Counseling and Student Development to connect with an off-campus mental health provider.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

Integrating Your Treatment and Education Plan
As much as possible, be a part of discussions about your treatment plans and goals so you develop a clear understanding of your treatment.
- Be able to describe the goals of treatment.
- Be part of discussions about your Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and accommodations at school.
- If you’re not sure if you have an IEP, ask a parent or guardian.
- Be able to describe the purpose (e.g., what problems are being addressed) and goals of your IEP.
- IEPs are not used at the college level. UD students need to register with Disability Support Services to provide documentation and arrange accommodations.