Immunization and Allergy

Immunization and Allergy
Student Health Services offers some immunizations and travel vaccines to students. Tuberculosis testing and allergy injections are also available. Services in the Immunization Department may be subject to additional fees. Please visit our Fees and Insurance page for additional information.
Student Health Services
Laurel Hall, Second Floor
282 The Green
Fall and Spring Semester Hours
By appointment:
Monday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Tuesday: 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Thursday: 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Closed noon–1 p.m. daily.
Available Vaccines
Flu Vaccines
Available during respiratory virus season from September–March.
Please schedule your flu vaccine at Student Health by calling the Immunization office at 302-831-2226, Option 1.
Other Vaccines
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Twinrix (Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B)
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
- Meningitis ACWY
- TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)
- Varicella
Travel Vaccines
These are available by prescription only. You can receive a prescription from a travel consultation with an Student Health Services (SHS) provider or bring a prescription from a non-SHS medical provider.
- Typhoid
- Malaria prophylaxis
- Inactivated Polio
- Yellow Fever
Required Immunizations and Testing
The following requirements are for the 2024–2025 academic year.
The University of Delaware requires the following vaccines and testing for all students:
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): 2 doses after age 12 months, spaced at least 28 days apart
- If you do not have documentation of a prior MMR vaccine, you will need to obtain antibody titers. If they do not show immunity, you must receive 1–2 doses of MMR vaccine, depending on your antibody pattern.
- Meningococcal ACWY (Menactra, Menveo, MenQuadfi, Menomune): 1 dose after age 16 for students living on campus*
- Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire: must be completed in the UD Health portal (found under "Medical Clearances"). Testing is not required unless prompted to do so at the end of the questionnaire.
All incoming students must submit documentation of the required immunizations specified above. We encourage you to submit your entire vaccine record so that your health information is accurate.
Students may submit UD's 2024–2025 Immunization Form or an official copy of their immunization records from their healthcare provider.
Specific academic programs may have additional immunization requirements.
*Meningitis ACWY compliance will be updated in the UD Health Portal once on-campus housing has been finalized. If you are living off campus, you may see that you are listed as non-compliant until all housing information has been updated. SHS recommends all students be vaccinated against Meningitis ACWY, though it is only required of students living on campus.
COVID-19 vaccine
Beginning June 5, 2023, students will be highly encouraged but not required to receive COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. UD strongly recommends students remain up-to-date with booster doses of COVID-19 vaccination. Additional university COVID-19 policies are available at udel.edu/coronavirus.
Log in with your UDID/username and UD password to access your UD Health Portal account, and click on Medical Clearances.
Newly enrolled students will gain access to the UD Health Portal beginning in May/June for students starting in the fall semester and in January for students starting in the spring semester. Do not create your own account.
- Acquire an official copy of your immunization record from your healthcare provider, school or public health department OR have your healthcare provider complete and sign UD's 2024–2025 Immunization Form.
- Log into the UD Health Portal with your UDID and password.
- Within the UD Health Portal, click the “Medical Clearances” link.
- Click the green “Update” button next to “Immunization Form.”
- Upload your immunization documentation outlined in Step 1.
- If you are having difficulty uploading your document within the Medical Clearances section, you can attach it via secure message on your UD Health Portal or fax it to 302-831-8790.
- Documentation is processed in the order it is received and the time frame for processing is dependent on submission volume. Please allow at least two weeks for processing.
- You can check the status of your submission in the “Medical Clearances” section of your UD Health Portal. While the submission is under review, your status will display as “Awaiting Review.” When the submission has been reviewed and approved, your status will display as “Compliant.” If information is missing from your submission, you will receive an email to your UD email account notifying you of a secure message in your UD Health Portal for your review.
To submit a request for a religious or medical exemption from the required immunizations for the 2024–2025 academic year, please complete the following instructions:
- Log in to your UD Health Portal and navigate to the Medical Clearances page from the menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and under the Clearance Exemptions section, click the Request an Exemption button.
- Using the drop-down menu, choose the clearance item you are requesting an exemption for.*
- *At this time, exemptions for each immunization requirement must be requested individually and supporting documentation must be submitted for each item. You may upload the same completed request form for each item.
- Click “Continue.”
- In the next screen you can download and preview the exemption request form. All exemptions must be requested via UD’s official form.
- Please download and complete the appropriate section.
- If you are requesting a religious exemption, please provide your personal statement.
- If you are requesting a medical exemption, please have your MD/DO, PA or NP complete the medical exemption section.
- All students must sign the second page outlining the risks and responsibilities of being unvaccinated. Your request will not be approved without this signed agreement.
- Upload the completed and signed form to the on the same screen via the Upload button.
- Select a Reason (Religious/Medical) from the drop-down menu.
- Include any additional information in the Comment/Explanation This section is optional.
- Click Submit to complete your request.
- When your document has been uploaded, you will be able to see that your request is awaiting review, approved or denied under the Clearance Exemptions section in the Medical Clearance page of your UD Health Portal.
- Exemptions are reviewed in the order they are received, and timing depends on the volume of submissions to Student Health. Please allow at least 2 weeks to process your request.
Additional Immunization Department Services
Call 302-831-2226, Option 1 to schedule.
Allergy Injections
Allergy injections require orders from an allergist office. Your allergist must complete UD’s Allergy Injection Order Form.
- All allergy injections are given by appointment only.
- You must have received at least one allergy injection prior to receiving injections at UD.
- You must bring an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen, Auvi-Q or other epinephrine device) with you to each allergy injection appointment.
- Review the UD Allergy Injection Policy and Information.
- Please have your allergist fax the orders to us at 302-831-8790.
- Serum may be mailed to Student Health Services or dropped off in person. Please call to schedule a medication/serum drop-off or pick-up appointment prior to any serum drop-off or pick-up.
- Please have any medication delivered Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–noon and 1–4 p.m.
Attn: Immunization
Student Health Services
282 The Green (Laurel Hall)
Newark, DE 19716
Students with food allergies, food intolerances or other dietary restrictions should contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 302-831-4643 or dssoffice@udel.edu to coordinate campus resources specific to their dietary needs.
Questions specific to on-campus dining halls and available accommodations should be directed to Debbi Miller, Registered Dietician, Dining Services at 302-831-1008 or dml@udel.edu.
Special Injections*
(Xolair, Dupixent, Methotrexate, etc.)
- Medication injections prescribed by a non-UD physician or nurse practitioner may be administered at Student Health Services.
- Please have your medical provider complete the Request for Injectable Medication Administration form prior to your first appointment.
- Students may have their medication shipped directly to the Immunization Department for storage (whether you receive your injections at SHS or choose to self-inject at home).
- Please have any medication delivered Monday—Friday, 9 a.m.–noon and 1-4 p.m.
Attn: Immunization
Student Health Services
282 The Green (Laurel Hall)
Newark, DE 19716
*Please call to schedule a medication/serum drop-off or pick-up appointment prior to any serum drop-off or pick-up.