Raven Press at the University of Delaware

Raven Press is an experimental letterpress printing facility located on the second floor of the Studio Arts building near Old College (North) campus of the University of Delaware. Students are encouraged to use this press to experiment with typographic form and physical composition of the printed page as part of a Visual Communications curriculum that balances traditional and modern technologies. The physical nature of letterpress printing is a unique component of the Visual Communications Program at the University of Delaware and offers students a breadth of experience vastly different than most graphic design programs in the U.S.
The press maintains a 20" x 30" R. Hoe Washington style iron hand press made in 1832, a Vandercook 219 and Universal 1, over 800 cases of metal type and 2500 individual pieces of wood type in a 200 square foot studio space.
Contact Department Office
(302) 831-2244
Ashley Pigford
Associate Professor & Co-Director
Bill Deering
Assistant Professor & Co-Director
Studio Arts Building, 2nd Floor
N College Ave
Newark, DE 19716