Fashion & Apparel Studies Flex Factory / CAD Lab

The Flex Factory and CAD Lab are located in Alison Hall West, room 205. Research and courses in product development (FASH180), CAD (FASH 333 and 433), and portfolio (FASH421) are conducted and taught in this lab. There are five single needle industrial sewing machines, a Merrow Activeseam and overlock, and Juki sergers for knits and woven fabrications. There is Techpacker software for product development management and a CalComp digitizer and Optitex software for 3D patternmaking and design. There are 19 monitor stations with Wacom tablets and VGA/HDMI connections and an 80” touchscreen monitor/computer for presentations and lecturing.
Contact the department office
(302) 831-8714
Katya Roelse
Instructor, Fashion & Apparel Studies
Alison Hall West, Room 302
205 Alison Hall West
Newark, DE 19716