UD Maker Spaces: Access Type

UD Maker Spaces that are part of the MakerNetwork have three types of access. If you are seeking Academic or Research Access to a space, contact the space representative directly.
Open Access
Physical space, equipment and/or tools are available to all UD students, faculty and staff. Access may require training and is based on scheduling and capacity.
Academic Access
Space, equipment and/or tools are available to students in a class, program, major or college through which training is provided and access is managed.
Research Access
Space, equipment and/or tools are only available for faculty, graduate or undergraduate student research projects on a case-by-case basis. Resources are typically managed by a faculty or staff director/manager with whom access is coordinated.

Fashion & Apparel Studies Flex Factory / CAD Lab
The Flex Factory and CAD Lab in Alison Hall West teaches courses in product development, CAD and portfolio. Equipment includes sewing machines, overlock machine and sergers. There is also software for product development management, 3D patternmaking and design.