Jenni Buckley

126 Spencer Lab
130 Academy St
Newark, DE 19716
Mechanical Engineering Design Studio

Jenni Buckley
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Jenni M. Buckley is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Delaware (UD). She has over 10 years of engineering experience in medical device design and biomechanical evaluation and has research interests in human factors design, medical device development, and equity and inclusion issues in engineering education. She teaches a range of courses across the mechanical engineering curriculum, including CAD, mechanics, and capstone design; and she is the Co-Director of the UD Mechanical Engineering MakerSpace, The Design Studio. She is the Co-Founder and President of The Perry Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to diversifying the pipeline in engineering and medicine through hands-on learning. Dr. Buckley has received numerous awards for her teaching and service, including the 2016 University Excellence in Teaching Award, the 2016 Arthur A. Trabant Award for Women’s Equity, and the 2018 American Society for Engineering Education “20 under 40” Engineering Educator Award.