Gary Chang

Department of Art & Design
104 Recitation Hall
Newark, DE 19716

Jia-Rey (Gary) Chang, PhD
Assistant Professor
Architecture & Interaction Design
Department of Art & Design
Jia-Rey (Gary) Chang is an artist, designer and researcher focused on ‘space as a living being’ and immersive spatial Interaction Design. He received his M.Arch degree in Architecture and Urban Design Department from UCLA under the direction of Neil Denari in 2009, and his PhD from the Department of Architectural Engineering and Technology (Hyperbody Lab) at TU Delft, Netherlands, in 2018. Chang's dissertation, “HyperCell: A Bio-inspired Design Frameworks for Real-time Interactive Architectures”, proposes the idea of self-intelligent building components by exploring into the fields of computation, embodiment, and biology in design.
In 2010, he established “P&A LAB” (Programming and Architecture LAB), which he now has integrated into his website archgary.com, to explore new relationships between programming and architecture. From 2011 to 2014 he worked with choreographers, visual artists, composers, and programmers in the EU project, MetaBody, to explore the pro-activeness and intra-action relationships between body movement and spatial quality. Throughout all his work, he continues active research in the trans-disciplinary topics of fashion design, creative coding, parametric design, visualization, 2D/3D simulation, Artificial Intelligence, generative art/sound, AR/VR/MR, projection-based immersive environment, interactive design and motion tracking technology.