AEM Matrix Component


Index: The initial list of pages that the Matrix Filtering component retrieves to be displayed, based on configured Base Page, Base Tags, and Filter Tags.


Search Area: The public, user-facing searching and filtering configured via Keyword Search or Tag Search settings.

Results Area: The public, user-facing list of pages from the Index, filterable by the search area.


Matrix Filtering

Search Title

This sets the header text that will be displayed on the page above the Matrix Filtering component.



Base Page

The Index will include only pages that are nested under the Base Page, if set. If the Base Tags or Filter Tags are set, the Index will be additionally filtered to include only pages tagged with either the Base Tags or Filter Tags as specified.


Base Tags

The Index will include only pages that are tagged with any or all of the Base Tags specified, depending on the Base Tags Logic Type. If the Base Page is set, the Index will be additionally filtered to only children of the Base Page which include all of the Base Tags.


Base Tags Logic Type

Sets how the Index is filtered based on the selected Base Tags. The behavior of each Base Tags Logic Type is as follows:

  • OR: Index includes only pages matching any selected filter tags.

  • AND: Index includes only pages matching all selected filter tags. (Default)


Display Type

Determines the style applied to the Matrix Filtering list. Each Display Type makes use of specific fields from the Matrix Details component. If a page is shown in the results area and does not have a Matrix Details component containing the information used by the selected Display Type, data from the page’s properties will be used as a placeholder, where possible. The fields from a configured Matrix Details component will override the page properties in the information displayed in the results area.

Further Display Types will be made available as we find use cases for the Matrix Filtering component.


Matrix Details component fields used for different display types:

Link: Page Display Title
Content Block (No Image): Page Display Title, Page Subtitle, Redirect Link, Text
Content Block (With Image): All fields


Page properties fields used for different display types, if no Matrix Details component is present:

Link: Title
Content Block (No Image): Title
Content Block (With Image): Title


Display type examples:

Display Type Name

Example Image


Content Block

(No Image)

Content Block

(With Image)


Choose how many items should appear on each results area page. If “No pagination” is selected and both the Keyword Search and Tag Search are disabled, pagination will default to 10 items per page.

Enable Tag Filtering

Set whether users should be allowed to filter results area by Filter Tags.


Filter Tags

Clickable filters (tags) that will be available to the user to refine the results area by pages which are tagged according to the Filter Tags Logic Type. These may be displayed as individual “Categories” (see screenshot below) or as grouped “Topics” of tags (See Enable Filter Tag Parent Sections).



Enable Filter Tag Parent Sections

Configures whether Filter Tags will be displayed in the search area as grouped “Topics” of tags. For Filter Tags to be grouped together by “Topics”, they must all share the same parent tag within AEM’s tagging structure. The name of the shared parent tag will be displayed above the group of tags sharing this parent tag.


In the example screenshot below, “Business Leadership, Strategy & Operations”, “Customer Discovery & Business Model Design”, and “Grants & Funding” share the common parent tag “Expertise” within AEM’s tagging structure. The Filter Tags under “Filter by Industry” also share the common parent tag “Industry”.



Filter Tags Logic Type

Sets how the results area is filtered based on the selected search area Filter Tags. The behavior of each Filter Tag Logic Type is as follows:

  • OR: Results area displays only pages matching any selected filter tags. (Default)

  • AND: Results area displays only pages matching all selected filter tags.


Enable Filter Tag Counts

Allows Filter Tags shown in the search area to display how many pages containing a given filter tag are currently shown in the results area. These counts are dynamically updated as search area filters are applied.



The Filter Tags shown in the search area may be pre-selected using text in the URL. At the end of the URL for the page containing a matrix component, you may append text following the format: “?category=PARENT_TAG-THIS_TAG”. For an example, we’ll use the tag “Online” in this structure: udel:grad/program-finder/degrees/online.


“degrees” is the PARENT_TAG. “online” is “THIS_TAG”. The “Online” tag would be pre-filtered by appending “?category=degrees-online” to the page URL.


To set multiple pre-filtered tags on a single URL, you may add repeated items to the end of the “category” query parameter with commas to separate them. For example, to include both the “Online” tag and the “Arts & Humanities” tag at “udel:grad/program-finder/categories/arts-humanities”, we would use:




Enable Search

Set whether users should be allowed to filter results area by a keyword search. The Keyword Search will search against a page’s Page Title, or if the page contains a configured Matrix Details component the Keyword Search will also search against the Display Title and Text area. 


Search Label

The placeholder text that will appear in the Keyword Search bar (Default: “Search by keyword”).



The Keyword Search shown in the search area may be pre-selected using Query Parameters. To make use of a pre-filtered keyword, at the end of the URL for the page containing a matrix component, append “?keyword=search_term”, or “?search=search_term”. For an example, we’ll use the keyword search “Business”, append “?keyword=Business” to the page URL.

Matrix Details

Display Title

The Display Title will override anywhere in a Matrix Filtering component results area that would display the page’s title from its page properties.


Redirect Link

The Redirect Link will override anywhere in a Matrix Filtering component results area that would link to the page the Matrix Details component is present on.


Image Alt Text

Image alt text (accessibility property) which will be included in the Matrix Filtering component results area if the Display Type includes an image.


Image Title

Image title text (accessibility property) which will be included in the Matrix Filtering component results area if the Display Type includes an image.

This description will be included in the Matrix Filtering component results area if the Display Type makes use of it.

This image may be selected from the DAM and will be included in the Matrix Filtering component results area if the Display Type makes use of it.