State Employee Pension Plan (SEPP) Medical Premium Rates
Health Insurance-State share breakdown based on date of hire and years of service
Eligible Pensioners hired on or after Jan. 1, 2007
(Except those receiving a disability pension or receiving LTD benefit from The Hartford)
- Less than 15 years service: 0% share paid by state
- 15 years-less than 17.5 years service: 50% state share paid by state
- 17.5 years-less than 20 years service: 75% state share paid by state
- 20 years or more service: 100% state share paid by state
Eligible Pensioners hired by the State on or after July 1, 1991 through Dec. 31, 2006
(Except those receiving a disability pension or receiving an LTD benefit from The Hartford)
- Less than 10 years service: 0% share paid by state
- 10 years-less than 15 years service: 50% state share paid by state
- 15 years-less than 20 years service: 75% state share paid by state
- 20 years or more service: 100% state share paid by state
Current Medicare Supplement-Special Medicfill Premium rates effective Jan. 1, 2025
Current Non-Medicare Health Insurance Premium rates effective 2024
* Dental and vision premiums are group rates, these premiums are the same for all SEPP participants regardless of pension years of services.