Affordable Care Act - FAQs
A Health Insurance Marketplace is a place where people can go to buy individual health insurance. Each state will have its own marketplace, either set up by the state, the federal government or a partnership between the two. https://www.healthcare.gov
You do not need to take any action. Your coverage meets the individual mandate and is expected to be a better value than the Marketplace coverage.
Yes, but since the State's plan offered by the University is intended to be affordable and meet the minimum value standard, you and your eligible family members may not qualify for premium assistance tax credits or cost sharing reductions if you buy coverage through the Marketplace.
As of January 1 , 2014, The ACA requires most U.S. citizens to have health insurance. Remember, if you do not have coverage, you may be required to pay additional taxes. If you are enrolled in coverage through the University but are covered under another plan, then you may satisfy the individual mandate. If you are not covered under any health plan then you may want to explore coverage options through the Marketplace. You may enroll in health insurance coverage during the annual open enrollment period, which normally occurs in May.
No, the eligibility rules have not changed. Miscellaneous Wage and/or S-Contract employees are not eligible for health insurance coverage through the University.
If you are covered under another plan (for example under your spouse's or parent's plan), then you may meet the individual mandate. If you are not covered under any health plan then you may want to explore coverage options through the Marketplace at www.choosehealthde.com.
No, your health coverage has not changed. No action is required on your part to continue your health coverage if you are currently enrolled.
The coverage options and rates will be available on the State's Marketplace website.
Visit www.choosehealthde.com to enroll. If you apply for coverage in the Marketplace, you will need to provide certain information. For more information on what you will need, please see the Health Insurance Marketplace coverage checklist.
Yes, you can call the federal government at 800-318-2596.