2024 Supplemental Payment Calculator

Based on rates effective 9/1/23 (Academic Year 2023-2024)

This form can be used to help you calculate the amounts of supplemental payments based on an employee's rank, annual rate, floor and ceiling rates for the 2023-2024 academic year, and course enrollments. It does not verify any of the criteria you input, and it does not check payment limits for that employee across the year nor any exceptional circumstances that might apply to the particular payment you are contemplating.

It is only appropriate for normal "lecture" assignments, not Lab/Dsc teaching , Supervised Study, nor UD-online Distance Learning classes.

FY2024 Calculator for Supplemental Payments (Sept. 2023 - May. 2024)

FY2024 Calculator for Supplemental Payments (June. 2024 - August. 2024)