Summer Session 2024 (24 C/D): Supplemental Teaching Payments

Faculty (regular and adjunct), Exempt Staff and Graduate Students

All instructional staff and graduate students teaching credited courses are paid on a Supplemental Pay Form. Before a form can be made, the instructor must be an active employee in the HR system. If they are new employees, an HR Job Data (New Hire JED) must be completed first.

The following form fields and values pertain for the Summer Semester:

Semester: 24C=1st Summer Session; 24D=2nd Summer Session

Reason - depends on the University Unit sponsoring the Supplemental Pay and the type of work performed.


Activity Reason Notes
Lecture/Lab Summer Tch (02)  
Administrative Other Pay (08) Any activity without a "Course-ID", even if it is instructionally related.
Honorarium Honorarium (06) A one-time payment made to an individual for a special and non-recurring activity or event for which a fee is not legally or traditionally required. It is provided as a token of appreciation for voluntary participation in the University’s educational, research, or public service activities or events, and not as a contractual obligation to pay for services rendered
Independent Study Ind Study (15) For Indep/Priv Study enter Course-ID, section, and Course-Type on the first page of the form, plus the Student(s) ID number and credits in the "Comments" Section of page 2.
Music Priv. Study Music Pvt (10)
Online Teaching Summer Tch (02) Professional and Continuing Studies contracts for Distance Learning and non-credit programs will be generated by the Division of Professional and Continuing Studies.
Research Research (07)  

Payment based on hours worked? For Teaching, No.

Begin/End Dates: Both the Payment and Contract dates are normally the first and last day of the Summer Session.

Speedtype: As designated by the sponsoring department (e.g.: ACCT112115). Class = 000. Some departments are using different speedtypes for winter online, winter abroad, and winter-campus classes.

Earnings Code and Account depend on both the Employee category and whether the contracted activity is teaching or administrative. Use "Teaching" object codes only when the work is identified to a particular Course-ID. Otherwise, use the "Administrative" object code, even if the work is instructionally related but without a particular Course-ID.


Employee Duties Earn Code Account
Regular Faculty (Electing summer retirement) Teaching FSR 121305
Administrative FSR 121800
Regular Faculty (Not electing summer retirement) Teaching FSN 121405
Administrative FSN 121900
Professional Staff Teaching SCR 121405
Administrative SCR 120400
Rank for Adjunct Faculty Teaching OCY 121505
Graduate Students Teaching STN 126905

Rank for Adjunct Faculty

Off-campus faculty are normally compensated at a rate based on degree level (Masters = Instructor rate, PhD = Assistant Professor rate). Any exceptions to this guideline should be justified in the "Reason for Payment..." or "Comments" section. Justification should include: the name of the institution where the individual is normally employed, their rank/position at that institution, and any other reason for requesting payment in excess of the Instructor rate. All exceptions to the standard rate require approval by the Dean . This approval must be provided either by routing the form to the Dean for approval, attaching the email with the Dean's approval to the form, or including a comment referencing the Req ID# of the prior form that had this approval.

Exempt Staff Eligibility

Supervisors of exempt staff being paid for Fall Semester teaching must approve supplemental payments on the basis that this work is outside the individual's normal commitment to the University and will not conflict with his/her regular duties.

For non-teaching assignments, Department should consult  Human Resources prior to making any agreement with the employee.

Please contact Human Resources (831-2171) with any additional questions about the preparation and routing of the Supplemental Pay Form.

Payment Policy & Pay Rates

On-contract, full-time faculty teaching overloads (including Continuing Education, Special Sessions, and other overload teaching) are paid 2.35% per credit hour of their base academic year salary within the bounds of the "Floor" and "Ceiling" rates in the table below.

Payments for full-time faculty on 12-month appointments and for 12-month professional staff who hold a secondary faculty rank are paid based on their salary adjusted to a 9-month basis as follows:
(12-month "Annual Rate") x 9/11 = (Academic Year basis)
then determine 2.35% per credit and apply the Floor and Ceiling boundaries below.
Example: ($110,000 12-month-base) x 9/11 = ($90,000 as 9-month-base)... x 2.35% = $2,115 per credit.

All exempt staff without a secondary academic rank will be paid at the floor rate for the rank for which they are qualified. Off-campus faculty are paid at the floor rate. Normally, their level is based on degree level (Masters = Instructor rate, PhD = Assistant Professor rate). If off-campus faculty hold a higher rank at another institution, or are otherwise particularly qualified for payment at a rank above Instructor, the academic department should contact the unit sponsoring the Supplemental Pay (Dean's office, Continuing Studies, or Special Sessions). All exceptions to the standard rate require approval by the Dean. This approval must be provided either by routing the form to the Dean for approval, attaching the email with the Dean's approval to the form, or including a comment referencing the Req ID# of the prior form that had this approval.


(Applies to Overload, Continuing Studies and Special Sessions)**
Effective July 1, 2024
1 cr 2 cr 3 cr 4 cr*** 1 cr 2 cr 3 cr 4 cr***
Full Professor 2887 5774 8661 11548 4308 8616 12924 17232
Associate Professor 2481 4962 7443 9924 3012 6024 9036 12048
Assistant Professor 2181 4362 6543 8724 2636 5272 7908 10544
Senior Instructor =Ceiling 2267 4534 6801 9068
Associate Instructor =Ceiling 2211 4422 6633 8844
Instructor =Ceiling 2141 4282 6423 8564
Grad Student with Masters =Ceiling 1710 3420 5130 6840
Grad Student w/o Masters =Ceiling 1581 3162 4743 6324
Lab Teaching 2554  


* Rate applies to regular or part-time faculty teaching at his/her regular campus location or workplace or location within 50 miles round trip between instructor residence and course location. Add $100 if instructor travels 51-100 miles round trip between instructor residence and course location; add $200 if instructor travels more than 100 miles between residence and course location. Incremental payment for instruction at distance locations is based on extra commuting time incurred for such instruction.
** Any additional reimbursement for travel must be arranged in advance through the unit funding the overload.
*** Applies only if one instructor is teaching both lecture and laboratory of a 4-credit course. If laboratory is taught by different instructor, the lecturer receives the 3-credit course rate and the laboratory instructor the 1-credit rate.

Cancellation and Prorating in Undersubscribed Courses

To receive full compensation for a course, a non-bargaining unit instructor must have a minimum of ten students registered for an undergraduate course or six students in a graduate-level course. Courses with less than the minimum enrollment may be offered with the understanding that the non-bargaining unit faculty member's contract will be prorated accordingly (i.e: by 1/10 of full salary for each student below 10 in an undergraduate course; by 1/6 of full salary for each student below 6 in a graduate course).

Study-Travel Courses: Study-travel courses include those offered within approved study-travel programs at locations abroad or within the U.S. but outside of the State of Delaware and which offer academic credit to students. Approved study-travel programs must meet minimum program enrollment guidelines set by the Center for International Studies. To receive full compensation for a study-travel course, an instructor must have a minimum of 5 students. Study-travel courses may be offered with less than the minimum figure with the understanding that the faculty member's contract will be prorated accordingly.

Chairpersons should monitor course enrollments throughout the registration period starting April 7. It may be necessary to wait until late registration and drop/add on June 8 (First Session) and July 13 (Second Session) to determine final enrollment and salary amounts. If the department and instructor determine that enrollment is insufficient to justify a particular course section, then the decision to cancel that section should be made in time that students can find a substitute - normally no less than two weeks before the start of the session in question, and the academic department should make every effort to notify the affected students as soon as possible.

Online courses that are undersubscribed will be prorated on a schedule determined by each College, and may not be executed until the end of Free Drop/Add. If that is the case, then those will not generate pay in the first pay period of each Summer Session.

Pro-rating of overload Supplemental Pay forms based on student enrollment has been eliminated for AAUP Faculty (Salary Admin Plan 211)

Team Teaching

When more than one faculty member shares instructional responsibility for a course, each will receive a portion of his/her full salary according to their share of the course responsibilities. For example, if three instructors equally share in a three-credit course, each would receive one-third of his/her salary at the appropriate rank, or a salary equal to one credit. When S-contracts are prepared for team-teaching situations, the number of credits' pay attributed to each instructor should be noted in the " Reason for Payment" section, and those credits should sum to the registration credits of the class unless a specific exception has been granted in advance.

Employee/Dependent Fee Waivers

The utilization of a fee waiver in any course is subject to the provision that it must not add appreciable costs to the University. If salary proration or course cancellation would be appreciably changed by including students on fee waivers, then the instructor should discuss salary concerns with the unit funding the course (Academic Department or College).

Last modified: May. 15, 2024