Topic: Featured
Savi Town Hall Webinar
November 27, 2023 Written by TIAA SAVI
October saw the return of student loan payments, but not without bumps and roadblocks. As millions of student loan borrowers returned to repayment, many experienced issues ranging from application delays to incorrect bill amounts.
In light of the increasing number of issues borrowers are facing with their servicers, Savi is hosting an emergency town hall for your employees and members to explain what’s happening and help them understand what to do if they are affected.
During this session, borrowers will:
- Hear from Savi’s Borrower Advocacy Team on what issues are happening
- Learn what to do if they experience these issues
- Have questions answered in a town-hall-style forum
The Town Hall will take place this Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at 4 p.m. ET, and we need your help spreading the word to borrowers in your community. The link borrowers can use to register is here.
If you have any questions, please email your account manager or savipartnerships@bysavi.com!