Child & Elder Care Resources
The following list of community resources has been compiled for your use when trying to locate and/or research child and/or elder care for yourself or family member. Please take a few minutes to read and acknowledge the following disclaimer before accessing this online information.
- Referral to these community resources is not an employment benefit: The University of Delaware (UD) shares the following contact information for dependent care as a service to UD employees. The provision of this information is a service only and is, in no way, a benefit of employment.
- No endorsements or warranties: UD expressly makes no endorsements, representations, warranties or guarantees about the quality, qualifications, safety or suitability of any of the providers, each of whom self-reports information about their services.
- Obligation is on employee to check all qualifications: It is incumbent upon you, as a potential user of this information, to check all provider qualifications and to assess the quality of any dependent care provider and the safety and suitability of the site(s) at which services will be provided.
- Waiver of liability / release of claims: By clicking on the "I accept" button below, you are accepting UD's offer to provide you with contact information for these community resources, and you are verifying that you understand, acknowledge and agree that UD has no responsibility or liability for any injuries or damages that flow from your communications with these community resources or your relationship(s) with any dependent care provider whose services are obtained, and that you will not seek to hold UD responsible for any such injuries or damages.
- Questions? By clicking on the "I accept" button below, you are verifying that you understand and accept all terms of this disclaimer and have no questions about its content or applicability. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 302-831-2171 or hrhelp@udel.edu prior to clicking on the "I accept" button.
By clicking on the "I accept" button below, you are verifying that you understand and accept all terms of this disclaimer and have no questions about its content or applicability.