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Faculty Mentoring at UD
Faculty mentoring is an important part of our faculty success support and programming. At UD, faculty mentoring occurs through formal and informal mentoring. While formal mentors are assigned at the department level, informal mentoring opportunities are available across the university.
Please see a list of available faculty mentoring resources and opportunities below.
UD ADVANCE works with deans and chairs to support formal mentoring within departments. Under this program, faculty are assigned a mentor (or mentors) from within their department to help them navigate departmental, college, and university policies and practices. For more details about formal faculty mentoring, please see the ADVANCE resources here.
General Resources for Mentors and Mentees
- Formal Faculty Mentoring: Suggested Topics for First Year
- Mentoring Checklist (Suggested Topics)–STEM focused (1-page formatted PDF)
- Suggested Mentoring Topics–Humanities focused (English Dept)
- UD Online Resources for New Faculty
- 2024 New Faculty Orientation Slides, UD ADVANCE
- Discussing 2- and 4-year peer reviews
- Discussing annual appraisals
- Discussing UD’s temporary COVID-19 policies
- Tips for saying no
UD Policy Information for Mentors and Mentees
- Family-friendly policies for faculty
- Faculty Handbook and Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Provost’s Office
UD Resources for Informal (Not assigned) Mentoring
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD)
- UD ACHIEVE (small-group mentoring, short courses, etc.)
UD ACHIEVE offers a small-group mentoring program in the fall and spring semesters. This program provides an accountability and support system as well as resources and peer-mentoring to help faculty members succeed even with occasional, unforeseen challenges. These groups meet weekly. For more information, please email achieve@udel.edu
The Office of Human Resources will be piloting a new, semester-long faculty mentoring program that will help orient newly hired faculty members to living and working at UD, build connections across campus, and foster a sense of community. This cohort-based program will start in Fall 2024 and run in each semester.
The Graduate College provides training and consultations for faculty to help them nurture confidence in their graduate student and foster student career success. More information can be found on their mentoring website.
The Research Office at UD provides mentoring and training for success in grant writing. Along with a research orientation, the Research Office offers year-long proposal academies for NIH and NSF. More details can be found on their training website.
The Library also offers a suite of workshops to assist faculty with the successful navigation of their research and creative career path. The workshops cover a broad range of topics from how to find grant funding agencies, to developing data management plans, to best practices in data analysis and visualization. The reference and research and data resource librarians are there to support individual faculty members and their students in effective research practices through consultation and customized presentations.
Twice a year, Faculty Affairs hosts a mentoring workshop to connect faculty, chairs, and associate deans to mentoring resources and discuss current faculty mentoring topics. Resources from the workshop are linked below. The next workshop will occur on June 6th.