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Upcoming Events
Peer Review, Promotion and Tenure Workshops
Upcoming Workshops:
- Promotion and Tenure at UD: Policy and Process Review (fall) - This session reviews the University's promotion and tenure (P&T) policy and process, makes key administrators and reviewers aware of changes made to the P&T policy over the past year, and discusses how to mitigate against bias in faculty evaluation.
- Mentoring For Success: Annual Appraisals, Peer Reviews, P&T (fall) - This seminar explains each of the formal faculty evaluation processes at UD and is meant to help faculty understand each process and also their relation to each other.
- Navigating Faculty Evaluation: Appraisal, Peer Review, P&T (fall) - This interactive session is for faculty who are relatively new to the university and are thinking about the peer-review and promotion processes. Learn about practices to help prepare for writing your dossier.
- Peer-Review Short Course (fall) - This four-workshop short course helps faculty prepare materials for their two-, and four-year peer-review. Participants develop and revise their narrative and CV, and receive detailed feedback from peers as well as a designated faculty reviewer.
- Strategic Approaches to Promotion & Tenure 1 (fall) - This faculty panel with Q&A is geared toward faculty ~2-3 years before the promotion to associate professor. Learn tips from faculty colleagues who have recently gone through this process.
- CT Peer Review and Appraisal Writing Challenge (winter) - This workshop is for CT faculty who will be submitting materials in early spring for contract renewals. The challenge starts in the first week of January, followed by 3-4 weekly work sessions.
- Panel on Promotion for Continuing Track Faculty (spring) - This panel provides continuing track faculty an opportunity to hear from colleagues who have successfully sought promotion, and to ask questions about the promotion process and University policy.
- Documenting your Teaching for Promotion and Tenure (spring) - Participants learn how to craft a teaching narrative to accompany their student evaluations and consider what teaching effectiveness means in the context of their courses and disciplines.
- Dossier Short Course (spring) - Faculty members prepare their promotion and tenure dossier materials over four sessions. Participants develop each section of the dossier and receive detailed feedback from peers and faculty reviewers above their rank.
- Strategic Approaches to Promotion & Tenure 2 (spring) - This faculty panel discussion with time for questions is for assistant professors who are ready to go up for promotion to associate professor in the next 1-2 years.
- Planning for Promotion to Full Professor (spring) - This interactive session is for associate professors who are planning to apply for promotion to full professor. Listen to insights and guidance from colleagues who have recently been promoted to full professor.
For more information, please view our complete schedule of workshops for the Academic 2024-2025 year.