For the Record, Friday, Sept. 13, 2024
Photo by Evan Krape September 13, 2024
University of Delaware community reports new honors, publications, presentations, grants
For the Record provides information about recent professional activities and honors of University of Delaware faculty, staff, students and alumni.
Recent honors, publications, presentations and grants include the following:
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Unidel H. Rodney Sharp Chair in the College of Education and Human Development’s School of Education and professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Departments of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Linguistics and Cognitive Science, has recently received the International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS) Translational Award with her research partner, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek of Temple University. This award recognizes those who have taken what researchers know about the development of infants—with much of that science generated by awardees themselves—and used that knowledge for the betterment of infants and their families. Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek received the award at ICIS’s biennial conference this past July in Glasgow, Scotland. In addition, Golinkoff’s Stories with Clever Hedgehog, a website with free, interactive e-books, games and other resources for Ukrainian children and families, has received two awards in recognition of its efforts to support children’s literacy. Stories with Clever Hedgehog received the 2024 Parents’ Picks Award in the categories of “Best Products for Elementary Kids” and “Best Educational Products in the World.” The project was also recognized as a 2024 Trusted Partner by Project Kesher, an organization that seeks to advance Jewish community, develop and empower women leaders and respond to the humanitarian wartime needs of women and girls.
Peter Kolchin, Henry Clay Reed Professor Emeritus of History and Alison Professor, has published Emancipation: The Abolition and Aftermath of American Slavery and Russian Serfdom (Yale University Press). This is a companion volume to his Bancroft Prize-winning book, Unfree Labor: American Slavery and Russian Serfdom.
Lauren Genova, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, Catherine Grimes, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, Hal White, professor emeritus of chemistry and biochemistry, and Caroline Williams, fourth-year graduate student in chemistry and biochemistry, published an article, "Glycolysis Can Be Fun: Rediscovering Glycolysis as a Problem-Solving Introduction to Metabolism" in the journal CourseSource. Their article describes an active learning card-sorting activity and accompanying POGIL (Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) worksheet that introduces students to glycolysis from a novel perspective of discovery. Their collaboration includes co-authors from five institutions beyond the University of Delaware: Professor Kristen "KP" Procko and undergraduate student Sanjana Kumar (The University of Texas at Austin), Professor Kathleen Cornely (Providence College, UD sabbatical '09), Professor Audrey Shor (St. Leo University), Blue Hen alum Professor Amy Styer Greene (Albright College), and Professor Brianna Bibel (Saint Mary's College of California).
On Sept. 12, 2024, Sheng Lu, professor and graduate director of Fashion and Apparel Studies, presented at the Changing Global Sourcing Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities virtual conference, hosted by the Chamber of the Textile, Clothing and Free Zones Industry of El Salvador (CAMTEX). In his presentation, Lu shared findings from his recent study on U.S. fashion companies' evolving sourcing strategies in Central America and the shifting apparel supply chain across the Western Hemisphere. The audience included policymakers, trade associations and executives from leading textile and apparel companies in El Salvador and the U.S.
Dan Lee, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, received a $5,000 Advancing Research Translation through Social Capital grant from the NSF i-Corps Hub Northeast Region for his study, Efficacy of Technology Transfer Offices: A Work History Approach. The study is inquiring whether there are any specific skills within a tech transfer office that are particularly helpful for successfully commercializing new technologies.
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