Words from the Class of 2018
Photos by Jessica Eastburn, Ryan Halbe and David Sell May 26, 2018
Newest UD graduates share thoughts on the milestone and their memories
Years of toil and tests, work and wonder came to an end on Saturday, May 26, when the University of Delaware’s Class of 2018 walked into Delaware Stadium for Commencement.
The students getting their degrees are now among the more than 179,000 living UD alumni. As they gathered before entering the stadium, UDaily asked these soon-to-be graduates how it felt to reach this milestone, what memories are most vivid and what advice they might offer incoming students who will form the Class of 2022.
Rachel Zucker - Management and Operations, Lerner College of Business and Economics
“I want to say terrifying, but I feel like my parents would be mad. Exciting and rewarding.”
Chelsea Bruce - Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
Bruce is Miss Delaware 2017. She shared advice for the class of 2022.
“Just take it in. You just need to enjoy what’s happening and be in the moment. Don’t worry about what’s happening in the future. You can control your life to an extent, but most of what’s going to happen is based on other people’s decisions and how they perceive you. So be the best that you can be and that’s about all you can do.”
Donnell Smith - Biochemistry, College of Arts and Sciences
“It’s a good feeling. A little scared for the future, but it's an accomplishment that I’m proud of.”
Jennifer Strube - Marketing, Lerner College of Business and Economics
Strube attended graduation with Dex III, the seven-and-a-half month old yellow labrador she is training as part of the UD chapter of Canine Companions for Independence, a nonprofit organization that provides highly trained assistance dogs to adults and children with physical disabilities for free.
“[Dex] has been a huge part of my senior year. It’s one of the best things about my time at UD. I am also a member of Delta Sigma Pi, a business fraternity, and both have really shaped my college experience in a very positive way. I don’t think it would have been the same without either of them.”
Zulfiqar Salahuddin - College of Engineering
“I will remember all the projects we did in the College of Engineering. For my capstone project, we worked on an underwater sea glider.”
Katrina Ticse - Lerner College of Business and Economics
“Besides my friends, my study abroad experience in Barcelona was my top experience.”
Melissa Meric - Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, College of Health Sciences
“I had an adviser in every department, for my Italian minor, for my major, for dental school, for social work school — every idea of my career path I had an adviser there helping me. And I really appreciated that. It was because of them, that their help really helped me get through it.”
Umma Fatema - Biological Science and Neuroscience, College of Arts and Sciences
“I’m very very excited. I’ve waiting all four years for this and now the day’s here. So I’m very excited. It definitely took a lot of hard work and determination, and my friends and family were always there and it's just amazing. I think it's an achievement for all of us — not just for me — for my entire family. And all of my friends are here. A lot of hard work, but we made it.”
Cayla Scheintaub - Cognitive Science, College of Arts and Sciences
“It's extremely bittersweet. I had an amazing four years here, but I feel that my college education has prepared me for every future endeavor that I may encounter. Next, I’m going to graduate school for a master’s in speech language pathology.”
Garrison Davis - Organizational and Community Leadership, College of Arts and Sciences
“It feels beautiful. I mean, I sat through two other graduations, my brother and my sister, and now it's my turn. I’m from Delaware, and my dad works for the University. So I grew up on campus. I’m comfortable with it and I was actually going to another school, but it didn't feel like home. So I wanted to go home. So I transferred to UD and I love it. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
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