Student Leadership and Service Awards Sample Nominations
Student Leadership and Service Awards Sample Nominations
Example Nomination for Student Initiated Program Award
*Names have been replaced with YoUDee and Blue Hen
Two residents from Russell A1, YoUDee, and Blue Hen, planned an event for their floor right before finals during fall semester. The two applied for funding through a SIP, and went out to buy bread, eggs, and pancake supplies ahead of time. On the morning of the event, the two woke up early -- much earlier than their peers -- to cook french toast and prepare various other breakfast foods for the floor. Once the event began, almost the entire floor attended to enjoy breakfast and one another's company. Though the event was originally planned for A1, residents from all throughout Russell A attended it (as well as some from Russell B-E). So many people attended, that they began to have to bring their own food items to contribute. Over the course of the breakfast, nearly fifty people came and went and were able to spend time discussing all of things that they accomplished during the fall semester, and all of the things that they were looking forward to for the spring.
During the event, those who attended were able to use the time to de-stress and reflect on their time as residents in Russell and their growth through their first semester of college. YoUDee and Blue Hen provided a space for everyone to come together and appreciate one another and the time that they were able to spend bonding and growing as individuals and as a group.
YoUDee and Blue Hen sacrificed time that they could have spent studying or completing other assignments in order to create this space for reflection and growth. Their contribution to the community was one that touched myself and, I’m sure, many, many other people on Russell A1, as well as throughout the building. They took into account the overall benefit that the event would have on their community, and they chose to prioritize that. This event allowed for residents on A1 to grow closer, but also to form new relationships with those who may have come from Russell B, or even Russell D. These relationships flourished throughout the Spring Semester, and I feel as though this Breakfast in Bed event greatly contributed to the prosperity of relationships in Russell Residence Hall.
Example Nomination for the Good Neighbor Award
*Name has been replaced with Blue Hen
I nominate Blue Hen for the Good Neighbor Award. I am nominating my resident Blue Hen because she is an amazing contribution to our community, and has been a wonderful representation of what a good neighbor should look like. Since the very first day of fall move-in, I knew Blue Hen would be a special resident to have because of her positive attitude and welcoming demeanor. Throughout everything she has gone through this year, she has never lost that attitude and most importantly has always shown kindness. Blue Hen has shown resilience as a member of our community, keeping her head up throughout the ups and downs. On the floor, Blue Hen has shown up to every single community meeting, RA catch up, and SIP. She is extremely active on the floor, always persuading her peers to join. She says hi to everyone she sees, and always has a smile on her face. Blue Hen is always willing to help others when they need it and has been an amazing contributor to not only our community but the other community on our floor. She has created connections with all residents and has found friendships that reflect her positivity. Every time one of us sees her in the hall she is always there to talk, listen, or just say Hi. One example I would like to provide is when Blue Hen hosted a bouquet-making SIP, where she got flowers and all the supplies needed for people to make their own flower bouquets. This was the most attended SIP on our floor and made people feel involved in the community. Blue Hen later contacted me (her RA) and told me that she had left flowers for me and the other RA on our floor and that she had made both of us a bouquet since we weren’t able to attend the SIP. This is one prime example of how thoughtful she is as a person, resident, and most importantly neighbor. Overall, Blue Hen has been such an important addition to our community and I truly believe the connections on the floor would not be the same without her. I am honored to nominate her for the Good Neighbor Award and recognize her for her efforts within our community and within our building as a whole.