Parents and Family Engagement

Family poses with YoUDee during Parents and Family Weekend

Welcome Families!


When you're the parent, family or supporter of a Blue Hen, you're part of our family, too. We’re here to help you stay informed, engaged and connected to the University and other UD parents. Here, you will find the information, resources and support needed to help your Blue Hen thrive at UD.

Join the Blue Hen Family Hub

Staying informed is one of the ways proud Blue Hen parents and families can engage with UD, stay connected and support students. UD families are invited to connect with their students at the University of Delaware through the Blue Hen Family Hub. In the Blue Hen Family Hub, parents and families can:

  • Access important campus news and deadlines
  • Sign up to receive personalized newsletters and announcements
  • Share updates with friends and family in the Blue Hen community
  • Connect with information and resources to help your student thrive at UD

Other Ways to Connect

What's Happening at UD?

Stay Informed:


Environmental Protection Agency recognition

UD’s Dion Vlachos wins EPA Green Chemistry Challenge award

Computers and quartz

UD doctoral student examines the historical role of natural materials in the computer age

Behind the research

Highlighting how Blue Hens use rare materials for their research

Parents and Family Engagement | University of Delaware
Parents and Family Engagement | University of Delaware

Orientation and Transition Programs is part of the Division of Student Life, which contributes and facilitates critical learning and development within healthy, inclusive and supportive communities, so that all students may thrive at UD and beyond.