Commencement: Regalia

Student places cap on their head during the Doctoral Hooding Ceremony.

Academic Regalia

Cap and Gown Information 


Academic regalia is required for degree candidates at Commencement and Convocation ceremonies. All candidates who do not possess regalia must obtain their regalia from the B&N UD Bookstore. 


If you are financially limited, the Office of Sustainability has a limited number of donated and cleaned gowns from previous years available to borrow for free.  For additional information, please visit their website.

Associate, Bachelor, and Master Candidates


The B&N UD Bookstore is the only approved vendor for the University of Delaware Commencement items, including official University regalia (caps, gowns, hoods, and tassel) from Oak Hall.  This exclusively ensures that regalia worn at graduation will be uniform and is required.

Degree candidates (associate, bachelor, and master) planning to attend the Commencement need to order their regalia starting January 20th, 2025.  The site will close on April 7th, 2025. Here is the link for ordering: Regalia pick up will begin on Wednesday, April 9th during regular business hours.

All UD seniors are encouraged to attend Life After UD resource fair Wednesday, April 9 – Friday, April 11 on the second floor of the B&N UD Bookstore to pick up your regalia.  The three-day event will help graduates learn about the resources available to them as they transition from students to alumni, and all attendees will leave with special giveaways.  

If you are looking to buy separate pieces (just a tassel, just a hood, just a gown, just a cap), you can do so by coming into the B&N UD Bookstore starting Wednesday, April 9th.  Separate pieces are not available to purchase online. 

Renting associate, bachelor, or master regalia is not an option.  All regalia for associate, bachelor, and master candidates is keeper regalia.

If you are trying to order regalia and you do not see your major listed on the website, please email Lindsey Collings at and it will have it added.

The University does not use cords to distinguish Latin Honors.

The University of Delaware does not participate in the distribution of Honor Cords.

Doctoral Candidates


To participate in the Hooding Ceremony, doctoral candidates must rent their cap, gown, and hood.  Doctoral regalia can be rented online using this link:

Rental regalia orders must be placed January 20th, 2025 – April 7th, 2025.  Pick up for PhD rental regalia will begin on Wednesday, May 14th, 2025. These must be returned no later than Saturday, May 31st, 2025 to the B&N UD Bookstore. If you would like to purchase custom (keeper) regalia, orders are due NO LATER than March 3rd, 2025. Custom regalia orders take 10-12 weeks.   You can place your custom (keeper) regalia, using this link:

Diploma Frames


Diploma frames can be ordered by using this link: All Diploma Frames - All Diploma Frames - Gifts & Accessories | University of Delaware Official Bookstore (


Graduation Announcements and Rings


Balfour is the University of Delaware’s official graduation retailer for announcements and rings.  You can order custom announcements and rings using this link:  Please allow 3 weeks for delivery of announcements and 8 weeks for delivery of rings.


Faculty Rentals


Faculty rentals must be placed by Monday, April 7th, 2025.  We cannot ensure delivery by Commencement of any orders placed after this date. Orders can be placed by emailing Lindsey Collings at  Please provide the following information: 


Phone Number:




Highest Degree:

Institution where you received your highest degree: 

Who will be paying for your rental? Name & Phone Number

Are you attending PhD Hooding, Convocation, and/or Commencement?

What department are you with on campus?

If a faculty member is looking to order custom University of Delaware regalia, they can place an order online NO LATER than March 7th, 2025 to ensure delivery.  Here is the link for ordering custom UD regalia: If you are looking to purchase custom regalia for a different institution, please email Lindsey Collings at to inquire about additional details. 

How to Wear Your Graduation Hood and Cap

The Graduation hood depends on your major and degree. The pictures below are for a Bachelor of Arts in the College of Arts and Sciences. Your regalia may be a different color or style, but the instructions for wearing the hood are the same.

  1. Place the hood around your neck and shoulders so that the major portion hangs down your back and the velvet border is up.
  2. If possible, fasten the cord on the front of the hood to your shirt or dress to help keep the hood away from your neck.
  3. Looking from the front, the velvet border should be on the top.
  4. Looking from the back, the satin lining of the hood should be exposed by rolling the velvet border back. The tip (or tail) should be pointing away from you.
  5. Caps are to be worn squarely on top of the head with tassel:
  • Right side for bachelors’ and associates’ degree candidates, after degrees are conferred, move the tassel to the left side.
  • Left side for doctoral and masters’ degree candidates.