From Delaware to the World
Celebrating 100 years of study abroad
Making the world a little smaller—and a whole lot better
July 7, 1923: The Day UD Changed the World: youtube.com/watch?v=nnsxzSDs1uo
On July 7, 1923, eight eager Blue Hens embarked on a year-long adventure to France that would fundamentally change the course of international education and set the global standard for study abroad. As the University of Delaware celebrates the 100-year anniversary of its trailblazing program, read on to learn what it means to be a citizen of the world—the UD way.
Blue-and-Gold Global Citizenship

Gilman Scholarship Winners
After receiving this year’s Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship, students Moira Gervay and Jake Cohen traveled to London to participate in the 5-week Visual Communications study abroad program.

From Delaware to the World
2023 marks the 100th anniversary of UD's trailblazing study abroad program, which set the global standard for institutions of higher education.

20 Reasons Why We Love Study Abroad
The options are endless. Here are some of our favorites.
Construction engineering with a multicultural twist
Lerner trip offers a more focused, in-depth experience
Conservation beyond the classroom
UD students embark on Tanzania study abroad, experience wildlife conservation and Indigenous cultures first-hand
Study abroad celebrated nationally and at UD fair on Monday
Undergraduate students are invited to explore upcoming study abroad opportunities at the spring Study Abroad Fair
Exploring Brazil’s plants and landscapes
UD students study plant science, landscape architecture through Brazil study abroad program
Did You Know?
From Delaware to the World | University of Delaware UD awards approximately $1 million in study abroad scholarships each year.
From Delaware to the World | University of Delaware 3 in 10 UD students study abroad (compared to 1 in 10 nationally).
From Delaware to the World | University of Delaware Blue Hens once broadcast from the Eiffel Tour on a radio program about what American students gain in France.
From Delaware to the World | University of Delaware UDairy has a study abroad-themed ice cream: “1923” (French vanilla with chocolate and salted caramel).
From Delaware to the World | University of Delaware So many UD students signed up for study abroad in 1972, Pan American Airlines painted “Delaware Clipper” on two of its planes
From Delaware to the World | University of Delaware Organizing UD’s study abroad archive has been a 10-year (and counting) process
From Delaware to the World | University of Delaware A descendent of one of the first study abroad participants now works at UD

Studying abroad can be a transformational experience, opening a world of possibilities, career pathways and personal growth. To help ensure every Blue Hen is able to participate in at least one study abroad program, please consider making a gift to support this life-changing, cross-cultural learning opportunity. Donations of any size can make a meaningful difference ($100 could buy a suitcase; $150 could cover passport fees; $200 could cover an excursion; $1,000 could buy many meals).
To learn more or make an even greater impact, contact Ruth Rosenberg at ruthr@udel.edu or 302-831-6993.
UD engineering students study abroad in Dubai