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Spanish Studies

The world’s second language, and yours too

Spanish is the second-most popular language in the world, spoken by more than 400 million people. Spanish language skills are particularly sought after in healthcare, international business, public service and education, and sales and hospitality, allowing you to communicate effectively with clients and partners, facilitate business development and negotiations, and serve diverse communities. Across these fields, Spanish language skills not only increase job opportunities but can also lead to higher salaries. Bilingual employees can earn between 5% to 20% more per hour than monolingual counterparts. Moreover, Spanish fluency demonstrates valuable qualities such as motivation, cultural awareness, and adaptability, which are highly prized by employers in various industries. Enhance these skills by participating in our study abroad programs in Costa Rica, Granada, Spain, Bueonos Aires and more.

The ability to use a foreign language and to employ knowledge about another culture is highly valued by the business and professional communities, and multilingualism and intercultural competence are essential credentials for leadership today in diverse fields. Our graduates choose a variety of career paths: some become teachers, translators or interpreters; others are employed in publishing, broadcasting, government, international travel, financial services or other areas of international business. Coupled with other expertise acquired in joint or double majors, Spanish majors have opportunities in international marketing, advertising and other communications industries. Some students enter careers with international organizations such as the United Nations, International Red Cross or the World Health Organization, while others go on to advanced degrees in preparation for work in international law, diplomacy and college teaching.


  • Oral Communication

  • Advanced Grammar

  • Social Issues in Literature

  • Politics and Literature

  • Literature and Language as Expression of Distinct Cultures

  • History of the Language

  • Great Authors and Themes

  • Film Studies

  • The Spanish-Speaking Countries of the World


  • Education

  • Travel, Tourism and Hospitality

  • Translation and Interpretation

  • Diplomacy

  • Business and Industry

  • Law Enforcement and National Security


  • Literature/Linguistics Education

  • Hospitality Management

  • Translation and Interpretation

  • International Relations/Public Policy

  • Masters of Business Administration

  • Criminal Justice

What’s special about this program?

Language study at the University of Delaware is part of a broad, multicultural education that is integral to success in many different fields in today’s global environment. A proficiency-oriented communicative approach develops speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, while an emphasis on social and cultural knowledge equips students to interact within the target culture confidently and successfully. We offer the internationally recognized Global Seal of Biliteracy, a credential that showcases your language skills to employers.

Get Involved

HOLA Hispanic Student Association

Hablar Sin Parar 

Sample curriculum


Seminar in Composition



College Mathematics or higher




Spanish III - Intermediate



Spanish Composition and Grammar



First Year Experience

University Breadth Course



Elective Course



Spanish Reading and Composition



Spanish Conversation



University Breadth  Course


  Elective Course

Art and Architecture of Europe: Contemporary Spanish Art



Studies in International Economics: Spanish and Latin American Economics



Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition



Survey of Contemporary Spanish Literature



Practical Oral/Written Expression



Contemporary Spain



University Breadth Courses


  Elective Courses



Cervantes: Don Quijote



Sugar, Salsa, and Santería



Capstone Course

University Breadth Courses


  Elective Courses

Go Global at UD

This major is eligible for the following programs:
