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Russian Studies

Group photo of Russian students at Brighten Beach, New York
Russian Studies students on a UD Russian Club cultural excursion to Brighton Beach, New York, in 2021. (Photo credit: Jacob Ewing)


You always hear students say, “Oh, Russian? No way! That’s too hard!” But it’s easier than you think! The alphabet looks daunting, but is easily conquerable in the first two weeks of classes. And Russian has only three verb tenses (whereas English has twelve). Russian is the most widely spoken language in Europe, the second most widely used language on the Internet, the eighth most widely spoken language in the world, and one of only two official languages spoken on the International Space Station. When you meet Russian speakers (wherever you are) you'll find that they will be impressed and appreciative even if you know only a little bit of their language.

Students of the UD Russian Studies Program also learn about significant moments in the long history of Russia and Russian speakers, and their unique, influential culture. It is not for nothing that Soviet propaganda advertised the USSR as “the most well-read country in the world”–today, still, literature holds special significance for Russian speakers. We draw on some of the most famous and popular Russian literary works to develop our students’ communication skills and cultural knowledge, as well as other Russophone media, including film, television, songs, social media, news articles, and even scholarly essays. 

Russian is one of the US Department of Defense’s six “strategic languages,” and it is classified as a “critical language” by the US Department of State, FBI, CIA, and NSA; Russian language skills and cultural knowledge, therefore, are very highly valued by recruiters and managers in these government agencies and the military. A background in Russian will also open doors to careers in politics, foreign service, NGOs and human rights’ organizations, cybersecurity, international business, the fuel industries, environmental science, space exploration, music, dance, ice skating, and hockey. Our interdisciplinary approach to teaching Russian language–drawing on authentic materials from Russian culture, politics, and history–prepares our students for professional success in any of these important fields. 


  • The Cold War and Soft Power Campaigns

  • Literature & Music in Building National Identity

  • Folklore, Fairy Tales, and Vampires

  • Tetris and Other Eastern European Digital Games

  • Culinary Culture and Traditions


  • Education and the Arts

  • Government Service, Diplomacy, Foreign Service

  • NGOs and Human Rights’ Organizations

  • National Defense, National Security, Law Enforcement, Cybersecurity

  • International Sport, Business, and Fuel Industries

  • NASA and Space Exploration


  • Literature/Linguistics Education
  • Hospitality Management
  • Translation and Interpretation
  • International Relations/Public Policy
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Criminal Justice

What’s special about this program?

Russian Studies at the University of Delaware affords students an opportunity to set themselves apart. It opens doors in the international arena that cannot be opened by other languages. A focus on the essential skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing drives all of our courses. Study abroad is also highly encouraged to further skills learned in the classroom: students are guided to the diverse and numerous study-abroad programs offered by venerable organizations that have operated in the Russian-speaking world for decades, or invited to join us on winter-session programs led by UD Russian faculty to countries like Latvia, where a large percentage of the population speak Russian as their first language. Though it takes longer to reach the same point as it does in the study of a Romance language, Russian Studies students will graduate with a functional knowledge of the language and culture that will guide them to their next destination in world politics, business, or any field that touches the great land mass of Russian-speaking peoples.

Get Involved

Russian Club

Dobro Slovo National Slavic Honor Society

Study abroad opportunities in Russian-speaking countries available through UD faculty-led winter-session programs, American Councils, SRAS, and more

Sample curriculum


Seminar in Composition



Contemporary Mathematics or higher




Beginning Russian



Beginning/Intermediate Russian




First Year Experience

University Breadth Courses



Elective Courses



Intermediate Russian



Russian Grammar Review



Russian Reading and Composition



University Breadth Course



Elective Courses


  Discovery Learning Experience

Topics in Russian and Soviet Culture



Advanced Conversation



Introduction to Russian Literature I



Elective Courses



Second Writing Course


  University Breadth Course

Introduction to Russian Literature II



Russian Civilization and Culture



Advanced Grammar and Composition



Seminar on specific Russian author or genre



University Breadth Courses


  Elective Courses

Go Global at UD

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