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Japanese Studies

Japanese Studies students study in Japan

Discover Japan


Are you interested in Japanese studies? Come and discover the great beauty of modern Japan, from the traditional to the contemporary. Experience hands-on training in Japanese calligraphy or learn what makes Japanese video games a dominant force in the global market. Our language classes cover all social situations from informal to formal occasions with solid training in honorifics and skills for both academic and business presentations. Join the many students who have already decided to make what is certainly one of the world’s most interesting languages a part of their undergraduate experience as a Japanese studies major. We offer the internationally recognized Global Seal of Biliteracy, a credential that showcases your language skills to employers.

Study abroad in Tokyo, Fukuoka or Akita – three very different parts of the country with diverse experiences to offer. Join one of our dynamic student clubs to share your interests with others, whether it be martial arts, language study with native speakers or a deeper engagement with the Japanese art forms of manga, anime and videogames. Our Japanese studies program allows you to specialize in film, literature, video games, or pop culture while advancing your language skills and learning more about current events. You will graduate with a firm grasp of what life in Japan is really like and how Japanese culture makes an impact on our world every day.

We look forward to meeting you and making your undergraduate years rewarding, challenging and stimulating!


  • Oral and Written Communication in Japanese Culture

  • Literature and Cinema

  • Videogames and eSports

  • Manga and Anime


  • Education

  • Translation and Interpretation

  • Hospitality, Business and Industry

  • Communications, Media and Film

  • Gaming and e-Sports 

  • Manga and Anime


  • East Asian Studies
  • Literature/Linguistics Education
  • Hospitality Management
  • Translation and Interpretation
  • International Relations/Public Policy
  • Masters of Business Administration
  • Criminal Justice
  • Religious Studies
  • Law
  • Game Studies

What’s special about this program?

The Japanese program at the University of Delaware is a dynamic environment, with highly trained, award-winning teachers and a variety of student-run clubs on campus. We are supported by the great facilities of the Language Resource Center in our own building as well as the Games Lab in Morris Library. Our proficiency-oriented communicative approach develops speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, while an emphasis on social and cultural knowledge equips students to interact within the target culture confidently and successfully. Our graduates have proceeded to prestigious graduate programs in East Asian Studies, Law, and Religious Studies both here in the US and in Japan. Others go on to enter the JET program (teaching English in Japan), become translators or work for Japanese companies.

Get Involved

Nihongo Table

Anime and Manga Club at UD

Aikido Club

Genshiken Video Gaming Club

Japanese National Honor Society

Sample curriculum


Seminar in Composition




Elementary Japanese I



Elementary Japanese II



Intermediate Japanese



Japanese Culture

Contemporary Mathematics or higher




First Year Experience

University Breadth Courses



Elective Courses




Composition and Conversation



Advanced Intermediate Japanese I



Advanced Intermediate Japanese II

University Breadth Course



Elective Courses




Japanese Literature in Translation



Advanced Japanese Grammar



Advanced Japanese Conversation

Issues in Japanese Society



University Breadth Course



Second Writing Course


  Elective Courses



Japanese Translation: Theory and Practice



Reading Japanese Literature

University Breadth Courses


  Elective Courses

Go Global at UD

This major is eligible for the following programs:
