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Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education
Study Early Childhood Education at University of Delaware: youtube.com/watch?v=-oK0BfPUSbU
Helping young children reach their potential
UD’s Early Childhood Education major prepares students to help young children--with and without special need--to reach their full potential. Graduates can teach in public and private schools and child care programs, become early interventionists and advocates, or work for community service agencies.
Our coursework focuses on child development--teaching students how to identify appropriate instructional strategies and materials that meet each child’s social, cognitive, and physical characteristics. Early childhood education students gain real-world experience, on our children’s campus and in community agencies and schools, working with young children from diverse backgrounds and with special needs.
Our graduates emerge well-prepared professionals, eligible for teaching certification in two areas—Early Childhood Education (birth – 2nd grade) and Early Childhood Special Education. As a nationally recognized blended Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education program (one of very few in the country), graduates are eligible for teaching certification in all 50 states.
To help further their career, students can enroll in one of our 4+1 programs, leading to a bachelor's/master’s degree in just five years.
- Child Development
- Classroom Management
- Inclusive Curriculum
- Diversity and Families
- Literacy Instruction
- Teacher in public/private school or Early Head Start program
- Early Care Program director
- Parent Education Specialist
- Early Interventionist
- Early Childhood Administration
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Autism & Severe Disabilities
- Occupational Therapy
- Human Development and Family Sciences
What’s special about this program?
Our early childhood education majors complete over 200 hours of supervised experience in UD’s Laboratory Preschool, Early Learning Center or in public school settings. In their final year of the program, students complete two full semesters of student teaching, educating young children with and without special learning needs.
We encourage our students to become global citizens and offer multiple opportunities to study abroad, including student teaching internationally or engaging in service-learning in winter session study abroad programs.
The Early Childhood Education program is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Council for Exceptional Children, meeting the highest standards for preparation of early childhood and early childhood special education teachers.
Get Involved
We provide our students opportunities to grow academically, socially and professionally. Our advisement center, staffed by experienced advisors, helps ECE majors pursue their individual interests.
Ask your advisor about opportunities to study abroad, conduct undergraduate research, serve internships, or become a member of our service/honors/support clubs.
Sample curriculum
ENGL110 | Seminar in Composition
Life Span Development |
Diversity and Families |
Child Development I: Prenatal to Age 3
Child Development II: 3 to 10 years |
MATH251 | Math for K-8 Teachers: Numbers and Operations
UNIV101 | First Year Experience
History and Cultural Change Courses
Social or Behavioral Science Course
Science Elective |
EDUC210 | Beginning Literacy Instruction
EDUC230 | Introduction to Exceptional Children
HDFS222 | Intro to Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment: Birth-Grade 2
HDFS224 | Practicum in Inclusive Curriculum: Birth-Grade 2
HDFS355 |
Professional Issues in Early Childhood Development and Education
HDFS411 | Inclusive Curriculum: Infants and Toddlers
HDFS431 | Field Experience: Infants and Toddlers
HDFS470 | Families and Children at Risk
Math Elective
Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology (w/ lab)
English Course
Elective Courses |
HDFS406 | Supporting Literacy in Early Childhood Education
HDFS412 | EC Inclusive Math Curriculum and Assessment
HDFS413 | EC Inclusive Science Curriculum and Assessment
HDFS414 | Guidance and Behavior Support: Birth-Grade 2
HDFS432 | Field Experience: Preschool-Kindergarten
HDFS433 | Field Experience: Kindergarten- Grade 2
HDFS435 | Programs for Children with Exceptionalities
Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Technology (w/ lab)
Creative Arts and Humanities Course
History and Cultural Change |
EDUC400 | Student Teaching 1
EDUC400 | Student Teaching 2
HDFS424 | Professional Development Seminar I
HDFS425 | Professional Development Seminar II
HDFS441 | Advanced Inclusive Curriculum in EC I
HDFS442 | Advanced Inclusive Curriculum in EC II