Mark VanGessel
Mark J. VanGessel
Weed Science and Crop Management
Office location:
Carvel Research and Education Center
16684 County Seat Highway
Georgetown, DE 19947
Resources and links
- Ph.D. – Weed Science – North Carolina State University
- M.S. – Weed Science – Michigan State University
- B.A. – Political Science – Hope College, Holland, MI
My program focuses on developing and disseminating weed control recommendations and other technical information appropriate to agronomic and commercial vegetable crops. Technical information emphasizes weed biology and ecology. Extension responsibilities include assisting with weed management for agronomic crops in New Jersey.
Research efforts fall into five main areas: weed biology and ecology, integrated pest management, cover crops for weed management, herbicide-resistant weeds, and herbicide evaluation. Research has focused on agronomic and commercial vegetable crops important to the mid-Atlantic region.
Professional activities
- Member, Agronomy Society of America
- Member, Council of Agricultural Science and Technology
- Member, International Weed Science Society
- Member, Northeastern Weed Science Society
- Member, Weed Science Society of America
Extension Publications
2017 Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Weed Management Guide
Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations
Palmer Amaranth Control in Cropland
Texas Panicum Control in Field Crops and Commercial Vegetables
Evaluating Herbicide Tankmixtures for Liberty-Link Soybeans
Alternative Compounds for Preemergence Weed Control
Management of Herbicide-Resistant Common Ragweed in Soybeans
Control of Problem Weeds in Small Grains
Research Publications:
VanGessel, M.J., Q.R. Johnson, and B.A. Scott. 2017. Effect of application timing on winter wheat response to metribuzin. Weed Technology, accepted.
Keene, C.L., W.S. Curran, J.M. Wallace, M.R. Ryan, S.B. Mirsky, M.J. VanGessel, and M.E. Barbercheck. 2017. Cover crop termination timing is critical in organic rotational no-till systems. Agronomy Journal 109:272-282.
Soltani, N., J.A. Dille, I.C. Burke, W.J. Everman, M.J. VanGessel, V.M. Davis, and P.H. Sikkema. 2017. Perspectives on potential soybean yield losses from weeds in North America. Weed Technology, accepted