Jake Bowman
Featured News
- Dr. Bowman is the author of the No. 1 article in the history of the peer-reviewed journal Animal Biotelemetry.
Jake Bowman
Chair of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology
Interim Chair of Plant and Soil Sciences
Office location:
531 South College Avenue
250 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
- Certified Wildlife Biologist, 2011.
- Ph.D., Forest Resources (Wildlife Ecology). Mississippi State University, 1999.
- M.S., Wildlife Ecology, Mississippi State University, 1996.
- B.S., Forestry and Wildlife, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1992.
Courses taught
- ENWC 415/615, Wildlife Research Techniques, Spring
- ENWC 165 New Student Seminar
- ENWC 465 Senior Capstone Experience
- ENWC 452/652, Conservation of African Wildlife (Tanzania), Winter
- ENWC 453/653, Community-Based Conservation (Tanzania), Winter
Research activities
- Wildlife restoration
- Conservation biology
- Wildlife techniques
- Population ecology
- Wildlife biometry
- Landscape ecology
- Habitat modeling
- Habitat management
Professional affiliations
- The Wildlife Society
- International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA)
- Black Bear Conservation Committee
- Society for Conservation Biology
25. Dion, Justin. In Progress. Survival of neonate white-tailed deer in a predator free landscape. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology
24. Haus, Jacob M. In Progress. Survival, movement, and risk avoidance behavior of adult white-tailed deer in the mid-Atlantic. Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology.
23. Ness, Eric. 2017. White-tailed Deer Recruitment and Relative Predator Abundance in Western Maryland. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology
22. Landsman, Andrew P. 2016. Indirect Effects of Cervid Herbivory on Predatory Arthropod Communities (Araneae; Coleoptera, Carabidae) Through Changes in Vegetative Structural Complexity and Species Composition. Ph.D in Entomology and Wildlife Ecology.
21. Kalb, David M. 2015. Genetic diversity of an introduced population of sika deer, and their degree of competition with native deer measured through fecal samples. Ph.D. in Entomology and Wildlife Ecology.
20. Nazdrowicz, Nathan H. 2015. Local and landscape-level factors influencing long-tailed salamander (Eurycea longicauda longicauda) populations associated with springhouses on the periphery of their range. Ph.D in Entomology and Wildlife Ecology.
19. Haus, Jacob M. 2013. Hunter attitudes toward Chronic Wasting Disease and determining methods to estimate abundance of Chronic Wasting Disease infected deer herds. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
18. Anderson, Kurt A. 2013. Migration Routes and Chronology of American Black Ducks. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
17. Miller, Melissa M. 2012. Resource selection and survival of female white-tailed deer in an agricultural landscape. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
16. Ludwig, Eric L. 2012. Reproductive ecology of eastern wild turkeys in Sussex County, Delaware. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
15. Dougherty, Sean Q. 2010. Estimating sika deer abundance using camera surveys. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
14. Kalb, David M. 2010. Spatial ecology and survival of subadult male Sika deer on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
13. Springer, Matthew T. 2010. The effect of deer browsing on wheat yield. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
12. Tymkiw, Elizabeth Lynne. 2010. The effect of white-tailed deer density on breeding songbirds in Delaware. M.S. Wildlife Ecology.
11. Jennings, Brian R. 2009. A spatial explicit model of the white-tailed deer population in Delaware. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
10. Northrop, Robert J. 2009. Development and assessment of a wildlife habitat relationship model for terrestrial vertebrates in the state of Maryland. M.S. in Entomology and Applied Ecology (Applied Ecology concentration).
9. Alsfeld, Amy J. 2007. Evaluating the effect of amendments and landscape position on the biotic community of constructed depressional wetlands. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
8. Banning, Alison E. 2007. The effects of long piers on birds using tidal wetlands in Worcester County, Maryland. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
7. Colligan, Greg. 2007. Factors affecting white-tailed deer browsing rates on early growth stages of soybean crops. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
6. DiBona, Matthew T. 2007. Seasonal food availability for wintering and migrating dabbling ducks and its implications for management at the Hackensack Meadowlands of New Jersey. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
5. Misiewicz, Regina L. 2006. Efficacy of a controlled hunt for managing white-tailed deer on Fair Hill Natural Resource Management Area, Cecil County, Maryland. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
4. Rhoads, Craig L. 2006. Spatial ecology and responses to a controlled hunt of female white-tailed deer in an exurban park. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
3. Rogerson, Joseph E. 2005. Examination of the spatial and temporal browse damage caused by white-tailed deer on soybeans. M.S. in Wildlife Ecology.
2. Kipp, Rebecca L. 2003. Nesting ecology of the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) in a fragmented landscape. M.S. in Entomology and Applied Ecology (Applied Ecology concentration).
1. Nazdrowicz, Nathan H. 2003. Population ecology of the eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) in a fragmented landscape. M.S. in Entomology and Applied Ecology (Applied Ecology concentration).
Generally, JLB appears second or last if publication is a mentored student project.
60. Longenecker, R. A., J. L. Bowman, B. J. Olsen, S. G. Roberts, C. S. Elphick, P. M. Castelli, and W. G. Shriver. 2018. Short-Term Resilience of New Jersey Tidal Marshes to Hurricane Sandy. Wetlands 38:565–575.
59. Haus, J. M., Demchur, J. A., Dion, J. R., Habecker, P. L. and J. L. Bowman. 2018. Theileriosis in Multiple Neonatal White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Delaware, US. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.
58. Adalsteinsson, S. A., J. J. Buler, J. L. Bowman, V. D’Amico, Z. Ladin, W. G. Shriver. 2018. Post‐independence mortality of juveniles is driven by anthropogenic hazards for two passerines in an urban landscape. Journal of Avian Biology.
57. Ladin, Z. S., S. Van Nieuland, S. A. Adalsteinsson, V. D’Amico, J. L. Bowman, J. J. Buler, J. M. Baetens, B. De Baets, W. G. Shriver. 2018. Post-fledging space use of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds within an urbanized landscape. Movement Ecology.
56. Adalsteinsson, S. A., W. G. Shriver, A. Hojgaard, J. L. Bowman, D. Brisson, and J. J. Buler. 2018. Multiflora rose invasion amplifies prevalence of Lyme disease pathogen, but not necessarily Lyme disease risk. Parasites & Vectors 11:54.
55. Kalb, M.M., Miller, D.L., Keel, M.K. and Bowman, J.L., 2018. Rare Osteochondroma Associated with Natural Mortality of a Wild White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54:426–429.
54. Landsman, A. P., and J. L. Bowman. 2017. Discordant response of spider communities to forests disturbed by deer herbivory and changes in prey availability. Ecosphere 8.
53. Kalb, D. M., and J. L. Bowman. 2017. A complete history of the establishment of Japanese sika deer on the Delmarva Peninsula: 100 years post-introduction. Biological Invasions 19:1705–1713.
52. Haus, J. M., T. B. Eyler, M. D. Duda, and J. L. Bowman. 2017. Hunter perceptions toward chronic wasting disease: Implications for harvest and management. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 41:294–300.
51. Ringelman, K., C. K. Williams, P. Devers, J. Coluccy, P. M. Castelli, K. Anderson, J. L. Bowman, G. Costanzo, D. Cramer, M. T. DiBona, M. Eichholz, M. Huang, B. Lewis, D. Plattner, and T. Yerkes. 2015. A meta-analysis of American black duck habitat use along the Atlantic Coast. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:1298–1307.
50. Rogerson, J. E., J. L. Bowman, E. L. Tymkiw, G. M. Colligan, and B. L. Vasilas. 2014. The impacts of white-tailed deer browsing and distance from the forest edge on soybean yield. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:473–479.
49. Tymkiw, L., J. L. Bowman, and W. G. Shriver. 2013. The effect of white-tailed deer density of breeding songbirds in Delaware. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:714–724.
48. Lehmicke, A. J. J., J. L. Bowman, A. E. Banning, and B. L. Vasilas. 2013. Effect of tide level and time of day on detection rate and abundance of clapper rails in a mid-Atlantic tidal marsh system. Waterbirds 36:364–368.
47. Kalb, D. M., J. L. Bowman, and T. B. Eyler. 2013. Dispersal and home-range dynamics of exotic, male sika deer in Maryland. Wildlife Research 40:328–335.
46. Rhoads, C. L., J. L. Bowman, and B. Eyler. 2013. Movements of female exurban white-tailed deer in response to controlled hunts. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:631–638.
45. Springer, M. T., J. L. Bowman, and B. L. Vasilas. 2013. The effect of white-tailed deer browsing on wheat quality and yield in Delaware. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:155–161 .
44. Bowman, J. L. 2012. The role, size, and effectiveness of safety zones for creating refuges for white-tailed deer. Human-Wildlife Interactions 6:291–297.
43. Dougherty, S. Q., and J. L. Bowman. 2012. Estimating sika deer abundance using camera surveys. Population Ecology 54:357–365.
42. Kern, R. A., W. G. Shriver, J. L. Bowman, L. R. Mitchell, and D. L. Bounds. 2012. Seaside sparrow success in relation to prescribed fire. Journal of Wildlife Management.
41. Jonas, M., J. L. Bowman, and N. H. Nazdrowicz. 2011. Using spot pattern to identify individual long-tailed salamanders. Herpetological Review 42:520–522.
40. Colligan, G. M., J. L. Bowman, J. E. Rogerson, and, B. L. Vasilas. 2011. Factors affecting white-tailed deer browsing rates on early growth stages of soybean crops. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 5:321–332.
39. Bowman, J. L. 2011. Managing white-tailed deer: exurban, suburban, and urban environments. Pages 599–620 in D. G. Hewitt, editor. Biology and Management of White-tailed Deer. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
38. Vasilas, B., J. L. Bowman, A. Rogerson, A. Chirnside, and W. Ritter. 2011. Environmental impact of long piers on tidal marshes in Maryland – vegetation, soil, and marsh surface characteristics. Wetlands 31:423–431.
37. Vasilas, B., J. L. Bowman, A. Rogerson, A. Chirnside, and W. Ritter. 2012. Impact of piers on tidal marshes: accumulation of wood preservative metals in water and soils. Environmental Science and Management 5:260–270.
36. Rhoads, C. L., J. L. Bowman, and B. Eyler. 2010. Home range and movement rates of female exurban white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:987–994.
35. Alsfeld, A. J., J. L. Bowman, and A. Deller-Jacobs. 2010. The influence of landscape composition on the biotic community of constructed depressional wetlands. Restoration Ecology 18(S2):370-378.
34. Tymkiw, L., J. L. Bowman, and W. G. Shriver. 2009. Preliminary results from a study of the effect of deer density on breeding birds in Delaware. Proceedings of the Wildlife Damage Management Conference. Saratoga Springs, New York. 13:71–73.
33. Springer, M. T., and J. L. Bowman. 2009. The effect of deer browsing on bearded and unbearded wheat yield. Proceedings of the Wildlife Damage Management Conference. Saratoga Springs, New York. 13:68–70.
32. Alsfeld, A. J., J. L. Bowman, and A. Deller-Jacobs. 2009. Effects of woody debris, microtopography, and organic matter amendments on the biotic community of constructed depressional wetlands. Biological Conservation 142:247–255.
31. Banning, A. E., J. L. Bowman, and B. L. Vasilas. 2009. The effect of long piers on birds using tidal wetlands. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:1362–1367.
30. Nazdrowicz, N. H., J. L. Bowman, and R. R. Roth. 2008. Population ecology of the eastern box turtle in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:745–753.
29. J. L. Bowman, H. A. Jacobson, Coggin, D. S., B. D. Leopold, and J. R. Heffelfinger. 2007. Survival and cause-specific mortality of adult male white-tailed deer in Mississippi. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 61:76–81.
28. Ebersole, R., J. L. Bowman, and B. Eyler. Efficacy of a Controlled Hunt for Managing White-tailed Deer on Fair Hill Natural Resource Management Area, Cecil County, Maryland. 2007. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 61:68–75.
27. Iglay, R. B., J. L. Bowman, N. H. Nazdrowicz. 2007. Eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) movements in a fragmented landscapes. Journal of Herpetology 41:102–106.
26. Gonzon, A. T., C. R. Bartlett, and J. L. Bowman. 2006. Planthopper (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) Diversity in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 132:243–260.
25. Iglay, R. B., J. L. Bowman, N. H. Nazdrowicz. 2006. A comparison of two methods for studying box turtles movements. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:208–209.
24. Bond, B. T., J. L. Bowman, B. D. Leopold, L. W. Burger, Jr., K. D. Godwin, and C. M. Class. 2006. Swamp rabbit (Sylvilagus aquaticus) demographics, morphometrics, and reproductive characteristics in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 51:123–128.
23. Bond, B.T ., C. D. Baumann, M. W. Lane, II, R. E. Thackston, and J. L. Bowman. 2005. Efficacy of Herbicides to Control Bermudagrass for Enhancement of Northern Bobwhite Habitat. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 59:191–199.
22. Bond, B. T., J. L. Bowman, L. W. Burger, Jr., B. D. Leopold, K. D. Godwin, and C M. Class. 2004. Demographics, morphometrics, and reproductive characteristics of eastern cottontails (Sylvilagus floridanus) in Mississippi. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 49:220–224.
21. Bowman, J. L., B. D. Leopold, F. J. Vilella, and H. A. Jacobson. 2004. A spatially explicit model, derived from demographic variables, to predict attitudes toward black bear restoration. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:223–232.
20. Wood, D. R., L. W. Burger, Jr., J. L. Bowman, and C. L. Hardy. 2004. Avian community response to pine-grassland restoration. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:819–829.
19. Bartlett, C. R., and J. L. Bowman. 2004. Preliminary Inventory of the Planthoppers (Fulgoroidea: Hemiptera) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee, U.S.A. Entomological News 114:246–254.
18. Perkins, K. A., R. R. Roth, J. L. Bowman, and J. Green. 2004. Flushing, capture, and bleeding do not affect return rate of female wood thrushes (Hylocichla mustelina). Auk 121:354–360.
17. Caron, D. M., and J. L. Bowman. 2002. Bears and Bees. Mid-Atlantic Apicultural Research & Extension Consortium Publication.
16. Bowman, J. L., and M. J. Chamberlain. 2001. Squirrels. Pages 176-185 in J. G. Dickson, editor. Wildlife of Southern Forests: Habitat and Management. Hancock House Publishers, Blaine, Washington, USA.
15. Bowman, J. L., B. D. Leopold, F. J. Vilella, D. A. Gill, and H. A. Jacobson. 2001. Attitudes of landowners toward black bears compared between areas of high and low bear populations. Ursus 12:153–160.
14. White, T. H., Jr., J. L. Bowman, H. A. Jacobson, B. D. Leopold, and W. P. Smith. 2001. Forest management and female black bear denning. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:34–40.
13. Bowman, J. L. 2001. Review of Ecology and Management of Large Mammals in North America (Editors Demarais, S., and P. R. Krausman. 2000. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey). Journal of Mammalogy 82:613–615.
12. Bowman, J. L., C. O. Kochanny, S. Demarais, and B. D. Leopold. 2000. Evaluation of a new GPS collar for white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:141–145.
11. Bond, B. T., J. L. Bowman, B. D. Leopold, L. Wes Burger, and K. D. Godwin. 2000. Delineating age and species of harvested cottontail and swamp rabbits. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 54:330–336.
10. White, T. H., Jr., J. L. Bowman, B. D. Leopold, H. A. Jacobson, W. P. Smith, and F. J. Vilella. 2000. Influence of Mississippi alluvial valley rivers on black bear movements and dispersal: implications for Louisiana black bear recovery. Biological Conservation 95:323–31.
9. Little, D. A., J. L. Bowman, G. A. Hurst, R. S. Seiss, and D. L. Minnis. 2000. Evaluating turkey hunter attitudes on wildlife management areas in Mississippi. National Wild Turkey Symposium 8:223–31.
8. Bond, B. T., J. L. Bowman, B. D. Leopold, L. W. Burger, and C. O. Kochanny. 2000. An improved radio-collar for eastern cottontail rabbits. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:565–569.
7. Bowman, J. L., D. R. Wood, F. J. Vilella, B. D. Leopold, L. W. Burger, Jr., and K. D. Godwin. 1999. Effects of red-cockaded woodpecker management on vegetative composition and structure and subsequent impacts on game species. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 53:220-234.
6. Bowman, J. L., B. T. Bond, B. D. Leopold, M. J. Chamberlain, and J. M. Ross. 1999. Effect of harvest on previously unexploited populations of fox and gray squirrels. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 53:282-295.
5. Bowman, J. L., H. A. Jacobson, and B. D. Leopold. 1998. Fawn Survival on Davis Island, Mississippi after an early summer flood. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 52:397-402.
4. Bowman, J. L., and H. A. Jacobson. 1998. An improved vaginal implant transmitter for locating white-tailed deer birth sites and fawns. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26:295-298.
3. Walock, S. C., H. A. Jacobson, J. L. Bowman, and D. S. Coggin. 1997. Comparison of the camera estimate to program CAPTURE to estimate antlered white-tailed deer populations. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 51:217-224.
2. Bowman, J. L., M. J. Chamberlain, B. D. Leopold, and H. A. Jacobson. 1996. An evaluation of two censusing techniques to estimate black bear population size on White River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 50:614-621.
1. Bowman, J. L., and H. A. Jacobson. 1996. Effects of early-weaning on captive white-tailed deer fawns. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 50:386-390.