Lesa Griffiths
Department of Animal and Food Sciences
Lesa Griffiths
Office location:
531 S. College Avenue
043 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Resources and links
- B.S. Animal Science, Cornell University
- M.S. Animal Nutrition, Purdue University
- Ph.D. Animal Nutrition, Purdue University
Current courses
- ANFS 101 Animals, Science, and Society
- ANFS 111 Animal and Food Sciences Laboratory
- ANFS 251 Animal Nutrition
- ANFS 251 Animal Nutrition Honors
- ANFS 261 Pet Nutrition
- ANFS 419 International Animal Agr; Study Abroad in New Zealand
- AGRI 240 Sustainable Farm Management; Study Abroad in New Zealand
Honors and awards
- U.S.D.A. Excellence in College and University Teaching - National Award (1998)
- UD Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient (2003)
- UD Honors College, Excellence in Honors Teaching Award (2024)
- UD CANR Outstanding Teaching Award (1992)
- UD On-line Distinguished Teaching Award (2007)
- TA Baker Professorship: Awarded for impact on students and colleagues (2016 – 2021)
- YOUDEE Leadership Award: Outstanding Club Advisor -Equestrian Team (2002, 2007, 2009)
- Agriculture College Council Academic Advising Award (2008, 2014, 2019)
- Most Valuable Professor Award (and/or Honorary Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach)
- UD Women’s Basketball (2017, 2020)
- UD Men’s Basketball (1999, 2012, 2018)
- UD Men’s Lacrosse (2024)
- Purdue University Distinguished Agricultural Alumni Award (2004)
- Alpha Lambda Delta National Academic Honorary Society Faculty Award (1998)
- Alpha Gamma Rho Faculty Appreciation Award (1995)
- Mortar Board National Honor Society Faculty Award (1991)
- Chieffo L. and L. Griffiths. Here to Stay: Increasing Acceptance of Short‐term Study Abroad Programs. (Ch 21) In Practice and Research in Study Abroad. Edited by R. Lewin. Routledge Press. (2009)Chieffo L. and L. Griffiths. LIFE Abroad: A Unique Model for Study Abroad. IIE Networker, Fall 2006.Gleason M., Chieffo L. and L. Griffiths. Study Abroad and McNair Scholars: A Partnership for Success! IIE Network web publication. 2005. http://www.iienetwork.org/?p=71205
- Griffiths, L., Kitto, S., Halbrendt, C. And T. Mullins. Are gene altered plants an ecological threat?: A case study. Problem-Based Learning Clearinghouse. 4/01.
- Kitto, S.L., L.G. Griffiths, and J. Pesek. A long-term study of knowledge, ethics and risk for students enrolled in an introductory biotechnology course. Journal of Animal Science. 81:1348. 2003.
- Chieffo, L and L. Griffiths. What’s a month worth? Student perceptions of what they learned abroad. International Educator. Volume 12:4. Fall 2003.
- Chieffo, L. and L. Griffiths. Short-Term Study Abroad It Makes a Difference! IIE Networker, Spring 2004.
- Chieffo L. and L. Griffiths. Large-Scale Assessment of Student Attitudes After a Short-Term Study Abroad Program. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. Volume 10. 2004.
- Gleason M., Chieffo L. and L. Griffiths. Study Abroad and McNair Scholars: A Partnership for Success! IIE Network web publication. http://www.iienetwork.org/?p=71205
- Chieffo L. and L. Griffiths. LIFE Abroad: A Unique Model for Study Abroad. IIE Networker, Fall 2006.