Hong Li
Hong Li
Office location:
531 S. College Avenue
046 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Resources and links
- Curriculum Vitae [ pdf ]
- Ph.D. Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. May 2006
- M.S. China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. June 2001
- B.S. China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. June 1998
Research interests
- Animal welfare and environmental enrichment
- Alternative housing systems for poultry
- Air quality and emissions related to animal feeding operations
- Environment control, instrumentation and modeling
Professional activities
- USDA Ag Air Quality Task Force (2021-present)
- American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)
- Poultry Science Association (PSA)
Joerger, R., A. Ganguly, M. de Los Santos, and H. Li. 2020. Effect of sodium bisulfate amendments on bacterial populations in broiler litter. J. of Poultry Science 99(11): 5560-6671. doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2020.08.013
Yang, Z., C. Hapeman, Q. Yao, A. Torrents, H. Li, M. Buser, and L. McConnell. 2020. Modification and validation of the Gaussian plume model (GPM) to predict ammonia and particulate matter dispersion. Environmental Pollution 11(7): 1063-1072. doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2020.03.012
Jin, E, N. Al Fahel, P. Mondal, H. Li, and C. Archer. Energy footprint of food: The case of corn production in Delaware. Food Energy Secur. 2020; 9: e222. doi.org/10.1002/fes3.222
Qi, Y., Z. Yang, H. Li, M. D. Buser, J. D. Wanjura, P. M. Downey, C. Zhang, C. Craige, A. Torrents, L. L. McConnell, G. A. Holt, C. J. Hapeman. 2018. Assessment of Particulate Matter and Ammonia Emission Concentrations and Respective Plume Profiles from a Commercial Poultry House. Environmental Pollution 238:10-16. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2018.02.039.
Yang, X. C. Zhang, and H. Li. 2018. Field Comparison of TSI DustTrak versus TEOM in Two Poultry Houses. Transactions of the ASABE 61: 653-660. doi.org/10.13031/trans.12442
Martin, J., P. A. Moore, Jr., H. Li, A. Ashworth, and D. Miles. 2018. Effects of Land-Applied Ammonia Scrubber Solutions on Yield, Nitrogen Uptake, Soil Test Phosphorus, and Phosphorus Runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality 47(2):263-269. doi: 10.2134/jeq2017.09.0383.
Ro, K.S., Li, H., Hapeman, C.J., Harper, L.A., Flesch, T.K.,Downey, P.M., McConnell, L.L., Torrents, A., Yao, Q. 2018. Enhanced Dispersion and Removal of Ammonia Emitted from a Poultry House with a Vegetative Environmental Buffer. Agriculture 8, 46.
Hristov, A. N., A. T. Degaetano, C. A. Rotz, E. Hoberg, R. H. Skinner, T. Felix, H. Li, P. H. Patterson, G. Roth, M. Hall, T. L. Ott, L. Baumgard, W. Staniar, R. M. Hulet, C. J. Dell, A. F. Brito, D. Y. Hollinger. 2017. Climate change effects on livestock in the Northeast U.S. and strategies for adaptation. Climatic Change. Vulnerability Assessment of US Agriculture and Forests developed by the USDA Climate Hubs. July 2017. DOI 10.1007/s10584-017-2023-z
Weir, J., H. Li, L. K. Warren, E. Macon, and C. Wickens. 2017. Characterizing ammonia emissions from horses fed different crude protein concentrations J. Anim. Sci. 2017.95:1–11
Li, H., X. Wen, R. Alphin, Z. Zhu, and Z. Zhou. 2017. Effects of two different broiler flooring systems on production performances, welfare, and environment under commercial production conditions. Poultry Science 96(5): 1108-1119
Shepherd, T., Xin, H., Hayes, M., Zhao, Y., and Li, H. 2017. Ammonia and carbon dioxide emissions of three laying-hen housing systems as affected by manure accumulation time. Transactions of the ASABE 60(1): 229-236
Willis, W. B., Eichinger, W. E., Prueger, J. H., Hapeman, C. J., Li, H., Buser, M. D., & Hatfield, J. L. 2017. Particulate capture efficiency of a vegetative environmental buffer surrounding an animal feeding operation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 240:101–108.
Willis, W.B., W.E. Eichinger, J.H. Prueger, C.J. Hapeman, H. Li, M.D. Buser, J.L. Hatfield,
J.D. Wanjura, G.A. Holt, A. Torrents, S.J. Plenner, W. Clarida, S.D. Browne, P.M. Downey, and
Q. Yao. 2017. Lidar method to estimate emission rates from extended sources. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. 34, 335–345
Zhang, C., A. Weiss, C. Lin, H. Li, R. Joerger, P. Chiu. 2016. Effects of multiple litter amendment applications in commercial broiler on ammonia emissions and litter microflora. Transactions of the ASABE 59(5): 1393-1401