Erin Pisano

Department of Animal and Food Sciences

Erin Pisano

Professor and Chair

Office location:
531 S. College Avenue
044A Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716

Resources and links



  • Postdoc – Animal Growth Biology – USDA, Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD
  • Ph.D. – Growth Physiology of Beef Cattle – University of Maryland, College Park
  • M.S. – Wildlife Biology – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg
  • B.S. – Animal Science – University of Maryland, College Park


Current Courses

  • ANFS 100 Animals and Human Culture


Research interests

My research is focused on improving feed efficiency of dairy cattle through genetic selection, management and dietary intervention. Currently, my laboratory is developing intestinal organoids of cattle and chickens as models for use in basic research of gut function and development. We are interested particularly in promoting gut function and animal health through feed additives including phytochemicals


Professional activities

  • Member, American Dairy Science Association
  • Member, American Society of Animal Science
  • Sigma Xi