Webb Farm

Larry Armstrong

Webb Farm Manager

Webb Farm is home to the college's registered Angus cattle herd, flock of Dorset sheep and equine herd. Facilities include the Animal Management Teaching Facility, Animal Science Teaching Pavilion, Webb Equine Center and Webb Cattle Barn. More than 1,000 student and guests annually get hands-on experience with farm animals, starting with freshmen introductory classes through senior capstone courses. The Webb Farm hosts educational programs as well, educating the public on current topics in animal and plant science.

The University of Delaware Newark Farm Livestock Unit is currently home to six horses used for teaching undergraduate equine science courses in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences. The herd consists of two Arabians, two Quarter Horses, two Standardbred and one Thoroughbred.

The equine teaching facilities include a new six-stall barn and a newly renovated 60′ x 80′ indoor arena.

UD student Tessa McDonough gets hands-on at Webb Farm: youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=com.synechron.udel.models.functions.SubstrAfter