About Us

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) is an educationally rich environment bursting with life and learning, and where students are invited and encouraged to be full partners in their education. We will strongly encourage our students to question, discuss, and develop the expertise necessary to formulate solutions to real world challenges in whatever career you pursue.
Mission and Vision
Mission: Our college's mission is synonymous with the mission of land-grant universities — the generation, translation and dissemination of knowledge in the public interest. Agriculture and natural resource issues affect everyone, every day. We play an exemplary role in fulfilling the land-grant mission of the University of Delaware.
Vision: We envision a college that contributes exceptionally to the overall mission of land-grant colleges of agriculture and related sciences in areas of unique strength that define and guide us, are relevant to our stakeholders, and have impact on Delaware, the region and the world.
Master plan documents
Contact Us
531 South College Avenue
Townsend Hall
Newark, Delaware 19716-2103
(302) 831-2501