Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Major
UD wildlife ecology and conservation students experience hands-on learning outside: youtube.com/watch?v=5IGogr1c2MY
Our students are curious about how wild things work and the role they play in our world. From insects to birds, reptiles to mammals, algae to oaks, our Wildlife Ecology and Conservation students examines all non-domesticated living things and the challenges they face sharing the planet with humans. Conserving biodiversity is the underlying theme of our program with a unique blend of lectures, labs and field trips. Building on a solid foundation of the biological sciences, students specialize in all aspects of wildlife ecology, conservation, physiology, taxonomy, policy and human dimensions of wildlife. We have a hands-on curriculum where students learn by doing in both field based and laboratory classes.
Graduates are prepared to enter the work force as wildlife technicians, park rangers, environmental educators or environmental policy makers. Students that wish to strengthen their skills are well-positioned to pursue graduate education in fields such as wildlife conservation, ecology or conservation biology.
We are the only undergraduate program in our area where students meet the educational requirements to be certified as a wildlife biologist by the Wildlife Society at graduation and meets the federal requirements for a wildlife biologist position. We are the only program in the country that integrates insects into a wildlife program preparing our students with a diverse set of career building skills. We have a small and dedicated faculty that work very closely with our students on a regular basis through undergraduate research, study abroad trips, in-class field trips and local research opportunities.
Career paths
State and federal wildlife biologist. Environmental educator. Park ranger. Environmental consulting. Wetlands ecologist and environmental lawyer. These careers and more are shared by our alumni. While some students enter the workforce right after college, others choose to further their education in graduate school, studying subjects like wildlife ecology, avian ecology, entomology, environmental education and conservation biology. Whatever your goal, you will be encouraged to participate in our job-search workshops and career days, seek an internship, develop your communication skills, and learn to network with prospective employers. This, in addition to doing well academically, greatly enhances our students' post-graduate opportunities.
For more information, visit the UD Online Catalog.
This sample shows just one possible pathway to earning a bachelor of science degree in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation in four years. This plan does not replace the advice of your advisor.
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Associate Director, CANR Undergraduate Recruitment