Debbie Delaney
Debbie Delaney
Office location:
531 South College Ave.
252 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
- Ph.D. Entomology. Washington State University, 2008.
- M.S. Environmental Science. Oregon State University, 2003.
- B.S. Natural Resources. Oregon State University, 1998.
Current courses
- ENWC 205, Insects and Societies, Fall
- ENWC 215, Insects and Societies Lab, Fall
- ENWC 214/224, Apiculture and Beekeeping Lab, Every Other Spring
- ENWC 426/626, Aquatic Entomology, Every Other Fall
- ENWC 423/623, Pollination Ecology, Every Other Spring
- ENWC 467, Bridging Art and Science: Environmental Communication, Every Other Fall
Research activities
- Evolutionary biology of honey bees
- Population genetics of honey bees
- Benefits of polyandry on honey bee colony health
- Ecological value of forage for flower visitors
- Soil health and impacts on floral rewards
- IPM development for managing honey bee pests
Professional affiliations
- Entomological Society of America
- International Union for the Study of Social Insects
- Eastern Apiculture Society
- North American Pollinator Protection Campaign
- Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium
- eXtension – Honey Bee Health
- Honey Bee Health Coalition
- Appalachian Headwaters
8. Grace Savoy-Burke, Ph.D. Entomology and Wildlife Ecology
7. John Menz, M.S. Entomology
6. Afraa Al Hchaimi, M.S. Entomology
5. Savoy-Burke, Grace. 2017. Woodland bee diversity in the Mid-Atlantic. M.S. Entomology
4. Evans, Kathleen. 2016. An integrated IPM Program Using Non-chemical Controls to Manage Parasites in Honey Bee Colonies. M.S. Entomology.
3. Gardner, David. 2016. Assessment of Native Pollinator Health and Diversity in Urban Forest Fragments. M.S. Entomology.
2. Darger, Katherine. 2013. Delineating levels of Africanization in unmanaged honey bee populations along the east coast. M. S. Entomology.
1. Marchese, Jacquelyn. 2013. Development of best management practices for the management of commercial bumble bees in vegetable and fruit crops in Delaware. M.S. Entomology.
9. Strange, J. P., D. A. Delaney, D. R. Tarpy, and R. R. James. 2017. Novel microsatellite loci reveal high genetic diversity yet low population structure for alfalfa leafcutting bees in North America. Conservation Genetics 18:679-687.
8. Seeley, T. D., D. R. Tarpy, S. R. Griffin, A. Carcione, and D. A. Delaney. 2015. A survivor population of wild colonies of European honeybees in the northeastern United States: investigating its genetic structure. Apidologie 46:654–666.
7. D. A. Delaney, T. E. Elkner, S. J. Fleischer, R. L. Groves, D. S. Gruner, J. P. Harmon, G. E. Heimpel, K. Hemady, T. P. Kuhar, C. M. Maund, A. M. Shelton, A. J. Seaman, M. Skinner, R. Weinzierl, K. V. Yeargan, and Z. Szendrei. 2012. Distribution of Cotesia glomerata in Eastern North America. Florida Entomologist 95:461–467.
6. Tarpy, D. R., J. J. Keller, J. R. Caren, and D. A Delaney. 2012. Assessing the mating ‘health’ of commercial honey bee queens. Apiculture and Social Insects 105:20–25
5. Tarpy, D. R., J. J. Keller, J. R. Caren, and D. A. Delaney. 2011. Experimentally induced variation in the physical reproductive potential and mating success in honey bee queens. Insectes Sociaux.
4. Tarpy, D. R., J. R. Caren, D. A. Delaney, D. Sammataro, J. Finley, G. M. Loper, and G. DeGrandi-Hoffman. 2010. Mating frequencies of Africanized honey bees in the southwestern United States. Journal of Apicultural Research 49:302-310.
3. Delaney D. A., J. J. Keller, J. R. Caren, D. R. Tarpy. 2010. The physical, insemination, and reproductive quality of honey bee queens (Apis mellifera L.). Apidologie DOI: 10.1051/apido/2010027.2009
2. Delaney D. A., M. D. Meixner, N. M. Schiff, and W. S. Sheppard. 2009. The genetic characterization of commercial honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) populations in the United States using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers. Annals of the Entomolocal Society of Amaerica 102: 666-673.2007
1. Delaney, D. A. and D. R. Tarpy. 2008. The role of honey bees in apple pollination. Beekeeping Note 3.03 (Rewrite of former Beekeeping Note #7A), NC State University, Cooperative Extension Service.
Outeach and Extension
4. Delaney, D.A. 2015. Honey bee nutrition. Mid-Atlantic Apiculture and Research Extension Consortium (MAAREC) Publication (FactSheet 1.4 ) (peer-reviewed)
3. Delaney, D.A. and J.L. Bowman. 2014. Bees and Bears. Mid-Atlantic Apiculture and Research Extension Consortium (MAAREC) Publication (FactSheet 4.10) (peer reviewed)
2. Marchese, J.I, Delaney, D.A., and G.J. Johnson. 2012. Best management practices on using commercial bumble bees on horticultural crops in Delaware. University of Delaware’s Weekly Crop Update.(peer-edited)
1. Delaney, D.A. and D.R. Tarpy. 2008. The role of honey bees in apple pollination. Beekeeping Note 3.03 (Rewrite of former Beekeeping Note #7A), NC State University, Cooperative Extension Service.(peer reviewed)
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