Fischer Greenhouse Complex
Contact Information
William Bartz, Greenhouse Manager
Phone: (302) 831-3574
E-mail: wcbartz@udel.edu
Rodney Dempsey, Horticultural Greenhouse Supervisor
Phone: (302) 831-1374
E-mail: dempsey@udel.edu

Complex and the Growth Chamber Facility
A state-of-the-art plant growth facility in the University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the Fischer Greenhouse Complex is a professionally managed suite of glass houses and growth chambers serving the research and education community.
The Fischer Greenhouse Complex provides the primary greenhouse space available to faculty, professionals, staff, and students, and is dedicated to the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge through research, teaching and outreach activities, extension demonstrations, departmental functions, and sponsored student organizations.
The facility includes LED grow lights donated by VOLT Grow. These 20 VL-1 LED fixtures increase energy use efficiency to save on electricity compared with current high-pressure sodium lamps and provide UD faculty and students with advanced lighting capabilities for greenhouse plant research.
Fischer Greenhouse Complex and Plant Growth Facilities
The 13,800 ft2 Fischer Greenhouse Complex and the Growth Chamber Facilities offers:
- Glass Houses (17,000 ft2) with Headhouse (5,000 ft2)
- Growth Chambers (2,300 ft2) and Growth Room (500 ft2)
- Commercial Seed Dryer and Seed Storage Unit
- Cold Storage for Plant Germplasm
Plant Growth Facility Policies and Procedures
Request forms
To request supplies and greenhouse labor:
To request a space in Fischer Greenhouse and South Greenhouse:
To request a space in Fischer Growth Chambers:
Completion of a request form is required to be assigned space in a greenhouse or growth chamber. Failure to submit a request form and obtain formal approval and assignment before occupying a space will result in eviction.
Step 1: Submit a request form for either the greenhouse or growth chamber.
- In the form instructions, view the space assignment sheet, which visualizes current and planned space occupancy, and then decide on which space to request and the estimated occupancy duration.
- If you need spaces in more than one greenhouse zone, growth chamber, or for more than one purpose, you must submit a separate request form for each greenhouse zone, growth chamber, or purpose.
Step 2: The Greenhouse Manager will email you to mutually communicate and align on everything should questions arise (e.g., the requested space is not available for the entire estimated duration; or the requested temperature and light settings are not achievable).
Step 3: After the space need is understood, the Greenhouse Manager will send you an email stating approval, request for resubmission, or denial of the space request.
You cannot occupy a space before your request is formally approved. You must vacate the requested space by your requested end date as marked on the space assignment sheet. If you need an extension, you must fill out a new space request form for the additional time requested.
If you start your actual occupancy two weeks later than your requested start date and/or end your actual occupancy much earlier than your requested end date, you must email the Greenhouse Manager.
The CANR Greenhouse Advisory Committee reserves the right to truncate your reservation. All spaces will be regularly inspected by the Greenhouse Manager to ensure that the requested spaces are being used as intended.
In the event of a dispute, the CANR Greenhouse Advisory Committee will discuss and reach a resolution with involved parties. If you need to contact to the entire Committee, email canr-greenhouse@udel.edu.