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Mathematics and Data Science

The College of Arts and Sciences hosts a Blue & Golden showcase for prospective UD students and their families to explore the majors and minors in the CAS college. High school students got the chance to explore over 150 different programs and hear from current UD students in panel discussions during Blue Gold days, September 24, 2022.

Analyze, Model, and Interpret

Data scientists are experts at analyzing, modeling, and interpreting complex data. This interdisciplinary program provides fundamental training in mathematics, data science, computer science, and statistics to start a career in the field. Data scientists are in high-demand, have excellent starting salaries, and can work in a variety of areas.


Applied Mathematics

Actuarial Sciences

Mathematics and Economics


  • Computational Mathematics
  • Data Science
  • Differential Equations
  • Linear Algebra
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Optimization
  • Probability and Statistics


  • Actuary
  • Data Scientist
  • Financi​al Analyst
  • Operations Research Analyst
  • Q​​​uantitative Analyst
  • Software Engineer
  • Statistician


  • Actuarial Science
  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
  • MBA
  • Operations Research
  • Statistics

What’s special about this program?

Data scientists are valuable assets in any discipline and able to apply current technological tools to assimilate data, perform analysis, and express results. Students will communicate results to quantitative specialists and wider audiences and demonstrate an ability to apply mathematics to real world situations.


Get Involved

Undergraduate Research

Honors Program

Math Club

Putnam Competition

Mathematical Contest in Modeling


Sample curriculum

MATH 210 - Discrete Mathematics I MATH 219 - Data Science I
MATH 241 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus A MATH 242 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus B
CISC 106 - General Computer Science for Engineers MATH 315 - Discrete Mathematics II
Breadth Requirement (Group A) (1/6) CISC 210 - Introduction to Systems Programming
UNIV 101 - First Year Experience I ENGL 110 - First-Year Writing
Credits: 14 Credits: 16
MATH 243 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus C MATH 350 - Probability Theory and Simulation Methods
MATH 349 - Elementary Linear Algebra CISC 320 - Introduction to Algorithms
CISC 220 - Data Structures Ethics Requirement (may count as Group A)
Laboratory Science Requirement (1/2) Laboratory Science Requirement (2/2)
Breadth Requirement (Group B) (2/6) Breadth Requirement (Group C) (3/6)
Credits: 17 Credits: 16
MATH 426 - Computational Mathematics I MATH 428 - Computational Mathematics II
MATH 450 - Mathematical Statistics CISC 437 - Database Systems
MATH/CISC/STAT Requirement (1/3) Breadth Requirement (Group B) (5/6)
Breadth Requirement (Group A) (4/6) Free Elective (1/6)
Multicultural Requirement Free Elective (2/6)
Credits: 15 Credits: 15
MATH 419 - Data Science II MATH/CISC/STAT Requirement (3/3)
MATH 529 - Fundamentals of Optimization Free Elective (3/6)
Breadth Requirement (Group C) (6/6) Free Elective (4/6) 
Discovery Learning Experience Free Elective (5/6)
MATH/CISC/STAT Requirement (2/3) Free Elective (6/6)
Credits: 16 Credits: 15