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Think linguists just speak lots of languages? Think again. Linguists are scientists who study language. Language is one of the most complex cognitive tasks that humans engage in, yet it is used effortlessly and subconsciously and is acquired by infants with no formal instruction. How can you effortlessly speak and understand without even being aware of what you are doing? As a student of linguistics, you will explore the answers to this question and many others.
The department also offers a Cognitive Science major.
- Endangered Languages
- Language Acquisition
- Neurolinguistics
- Phonology and Phonetics
- Psycholinguistics
- Syntax and Semantics
- Data Analyst
- Film and Television
- Government
- Interpreter
- Language Teacher
- Library/Information Science
- Linguist
- Professor
- Psychologist
- Cognitive Science
- Computer Science
- Law School
- Linguistics
- Psychology
What’s special about this program?
As a student of linguistics, you will learn the formal properties of language: sound systems, how words and sentences are put together and how meaning is computed from the parts. You will explore the diversity of languages across the globe and learn about their historical development (for example, did you know that English and Sanskrit are descended from a single language spoken 6,000 years ago in Asia?). You will also explore how infants acquire language, how language is represented in the brain and used in real time and how language is used in social contexts.
Get Involved
Undergraduate Research
The Phonology/Phonetics Lab
The Experimental Psycholinguistics Lab
Child’s Play, Learning, and Development Lab
The Language and Cognition Lab
Sample curriculum
ENGL110 | Seminar in Composition
LING101 | Introduction to Linguistics
LING202 | Science of Language
MATH113 | Contemporary Mathematics (or Higher)
First Year Experience |
University Breadth Courses
Elective Courses
CGSC170 | Introduction to Cognitive Science
LING403 |
Introduction to Phonology
LING404 | Structure of Language
PHIL205 | Logic
University Breadth Course
Elective Courses |
LING418 | Meaning and Language Use
LING Elective Courses
Elective Courses
University Multicultural Course
Discovery Learning Experience
Study Abroad |
CGSC485 |
Seminar in Cognitive Science
LING 480 | Sociolinguistics
University Breadth Courses
Elective Courses |