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Global Studies

The Global Studies major enables students to succeed in an increasingly globalized society by exposing them to the political and cultural foundations of global issues. Our majors develop an analytical approach to critical issues that appear across national boundaries and cultural regions — examining them from a variety of disciplines. This integrated interdisciplinary program of study prepares majors for a broad range of career paths including government and international business or in international health, humanitarian, environmental, development and other types of non-governmental agencies.
- Environment
- Health
- Migration
- World Cultures
- Global Nonprofit Administrator or Business Consultant
- Humanitarian Relief Worker
- Domestic/International Public Health or Environment Administrator
- Sustainability Consultant
- Government Official
- Professor
- Lawyer
- Journalist or Travel Writer
- International or Global Studies
- International Relations
- Public Health or Public Policy
- Education
- Law
- Journalism
What’s special about this program?
Global Studies asks you to look critically at transnational trends, patterns and challenges. The four Global Studies concentrations — Environment, Health, Migration and World Cultures — enable you to focus on your area of interest. To complete these concentrations, you choose from a wide array of courses spanning departments and colleges across the University of Delaware and examining numerous world regions and cultures. Study abroad and internships are strongly encouraged. Due to its interdisciplinary nature, the Global Studies major lends itself to double majoring or minoring in related disciplines.
Get Involved
Blue Hen Global Connection
Blue Hen Leadership Program
Climate Reality Project
Doctors Without Borders
Earth, Ocean and Environment Club
Engineers Without Borders
Epsilon Eta
The History Club
International Relations Club
No Lost Generation at the University of Delaware
The Review
Students for the Environment
United Mission for Relief and Development
United Nations Associated at UD
Sample curriculum
Seminar in Composition |
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology |
GEOG120 | World Regional Geography
HIST103 or HIST104 | World History to 1400 or World History Since 1400
UNIV101 | First Year Experience
LLCU105 | World Language 105 (Dependent upon placement)
LCCU106 | World Language 106 (Dependent upon placement)
Additional Breadth Requirement
Mathematics Requirement
POSC240 or POSC270 | Introduction to Global Politics or Introduction to Comparative Politics
WOMS201 | Introduction to Women’s Studies
LLCU107 | World Language 107 (Dependent upon placement)
LLCU2XX | World Language 200-Level Class
Breadth Requirement with Laboratory
Additional Breadth Requirement(s)
Discovery Learning Experience Course |
ARSC300 | Issues in Global Studies
LLCU2XX or LLCU3XX | World Language 200-Level or 300-Level Class
Required Course(s) for Global Studies Concentration
Required Elective Course(s) in Global Studies Concentration (300-Level or Above)
Additional Breadth Requirement(s)
LLCU499 | Capstone
Course in Global Studies Concentration (300-Level or 400-Level)
Course in Global Studies Concentration (400-Level)
Second Writing Requirement |